Rule #12

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The Gibbs and Allison are laughing. I give Gibbs a hug and say hi to Allison, we all sit and i tell them about my week, an hour pasts by when Allison gets a calls, she smiles " I have run into the office for a bit buts lets all get dinner later" " thats sounds greats can we get pizza i know this great little dinner on 20th" she smiles " yah sure" she gives dad and kiss and walks out the door i look at him smiling " I really like shes kind, seems to understand your work, doesn't mind man for few words thing you do, so don't screw this up" he raises his eyebrows as i walk back up stairs to my room.

With march break over and me back to school we get back in to routine which is nice. My Science teacher gave us really big Biology project, after I get back from the lunch with the soccer team. I walk into NCIS I don't see Gibbs but i see Tony, Ziva and McGee. Three of them walks up to me " what " I ask confused they look at each other, Ziva gives Tony a look " oh ok so we were wondering if Gibbs is ok he's been different lately maybe he's seeing someone?" I chuckle " oh i see why don't you ask him your self" the three of them rush a away from me. I walk down to the gym for a hour work out.

The next day

Gibbs POV
I am in the elevator drinking my coffee when my phone goes off "Gibbs" its Allison she sounds panicked
Allison—— " Gibbs Gibbs i...iii"

Gibbs —— " shhhh take a deep breath whats wrong ?"

Allison —— " I came in this morning and our office has been torn apart, Link was shot"

Gibbs —— " Allison listen to me I need you to stay where you are I am coming to you now"

I walk in to the squad room, team all talking " gear up dead marine" Tony asks " where too boss ?" "Norfolk" they all meet me in the elevator. We arrive " McGee Tony and Ziva follow me. Allison could not tell me a hole lot about her research project she did tell me that she's working with Marines and research project.

We arrive on the site its a basic white building but when you walk in its a research facility. " Tony process, McGee cameras, Ziva witness" they all nod and go to work. I walk over to Allison her eyes are red she was crying but Allison is trying to being strong. I pull her off to the side out of sight of my team. I cup her face " you ok?" She smiles and nods " we are old friends" she squeezes my hand then we walk back into plain view of everyone.

Gibbs —— " So Allison what happened?"

Allison —— " when I came in this morning I notice some papers on the ground in the hallway then when i go to the testing floor I saw Link shot laying on the ground, I checked his puls he was DOA, the place was ransacked"

Gibbs —— " What were you working on right now ?"

Allison —— " Sorry i can't tell you that Gibbs its Classified."

Gibbs —— " ok"

A man walks, Allison introduces us " Gibbs this is Commander Kane, this is NCIS special agent Gibbs. He shakes my hand. I ask him " I need to know what your working on here Commander and I am going to need personnel files as well" the Commander nods " personnel files you can have as for what we're working on I will have to speak with Director Vance about this matter. Lieutenant can get you personal files" i turn to Tony he follows her into a back room.

I walk over to Ducky,McGee and Ziva to ask there progress. Once back NCIS I head up to Vance's office Leon, Commander Kane and Allison are all talking. I nod at Vance as we all turn to the screen to be briefed, the Commander starts.

Commander Kane —— "Our facility is a research facility that specializes in compact weaponry. We have tested hundreds of weapons over the last five years of the program, when I took over as head of the project, I invited Lieutenant Stone to oversee the project and its staff."

Allison —— " when I took over the project I was told that i could have my pick of who I wanted to bring on. I brought on Petty Office Juliet Marks, Sergeant Lincoln Michaels, Petty officer lou Austin, each had a weapon specialty I served with them in them in 1998 while in Iraq."

Vance —— " what were you currently testing?"

Allison —— " we were test a new semi automatic transformable called the SM20 the weapon can transform from semiautomatic to completely automatic firing 100 bullets a minute. This was the final faze of testing before we were going to send a shipment to Camp Pendleton for wider range of testing."

Her phone goes Allison looks down I can tell there's something wrong by the look on her face. She looks around the room

Allison —— " I just got the full inventory list the only thing missing are specs on the SM20 and one crate with 33 working at SM20s that were to be shipped out to Pendleton next week, of these get in the hand of a gang or worst terrorist, this will be an all out war, the only place these gun should be used is a war, the idea of the SM20s is to the change the game."

Commander Kane —— " Lieutenant Stone will be staying to help with the investigation to over see and help in anyway she can"

Vance —— " Now listen Gibbs......

I cut him off "fine by me"

Vance looks shocked and nods, Vance points to the door the Commander and Allison walk out. He looks at me " whats your relationship with her i can count on one hand the people you will work with willingly."

I just nod my head then walk out for his office. I see Allison in the squad room talking to the team shes smiling and laughing. I wilk in as Tony is talking " so how do you know Gibbs are you friends or " then goes quite " hi boss" he says and turns around.

I smack on the back fo the head, I introduce Allison " This is Lieutenant Allison Stone shes going to working with us on the case."

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