Home and gone

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Gibbs wakes me when we get to his house, we walk in he makes some food for us. As I set the table I ask him

Jessie ---- "what's going to happen me now Gibbs "

Gibbs ---- " unless you some other family you will go in to foster system"

We sit down to eat our meal

Jessie ---- " I was looking around up stairs and I noticed a lot of boxes packed in a room with the names Shannon and Kelly on the boxes "

I can tell I hit a nerve

Gibbs ---- " I haven't gotten around to getting rid of that stuff "

Jessie ---- " haven't gotten around to it of putting it off "

Gibbs ---- " what do you mean "

Jessie ---- " when my mom and Luca were killed my dad put it off for like three years but when we finally did it was good we were moving on."

Gibbs ---- " you had a brother ?"

Jessie ---- " yah but I would rather not talk about it "

I get up from the table and wash my dishes Gibbs put his in the sink and does his. I look at up " thank you" Gibbs " he turns his head " for what " I smile " for saving me for keeping me safe and treating me a person not a victim "  " just doing my " he says I huge him " no your job would have been to drop me at a safe house you kept me safe and made me feel ok "

At this point I can feel myself about to cry so I pull away and head in to the basement " hey Gibbs my boat is smashed into a million pieces so can I help you with yours?"

Gibbs smile as he follows me into the basement " sure kid " he says while he hands me a chisel and we start working.

It's about about midnight when we go upstairs I go to my bag and open my pill bottle. " what are those anyway " He snatches them from my hand " there my sleeping pill it's the only way I get a full night sleep because of nightmares" I take two and walk up stairs.

The next morning

Its about 5:30am when I get up pack my stuff can quietly go down stairs it's hard because the house is so damm creaky and old. I am in the living room when I see Gibbs sleeping on the couch, I try to sneak pass him but he jumps up "where do you think your going young lady " I slowly turn around

Jessie ---- " I am not going to foster care so lock me up or move !"

Gibbs ---- " no your not "

Jessie ---- " what do you mean, last night you said...."

Gibbs cuts me off

Gibbs ---- " I made some phone call if you want you can stay here with me for a while. "

I drop my bag and hug him then go back to up stairs and go back to bed.

Later that day I get up call Gibbs to let him know that I am up. I call his work agent David answers the phone " agent Gibbs desk

Jessie ---- " hi agent David it's Jessie"

Ziva ---- " call me ziva "

Jessie ---- " ok can you let Gibbs know that I am going to get a coffee from the diner"

Ziva  ---- " ok bye now "

Jessie ---- " bye "

I hang up the phone and grab my bag and walk out of the house. I see a key on hook and lock the door behind me.

I am walking down the street when I notice someone following me I walk around the block and he is definitely following me. When they get closer to me I start running faster and harder then I have ever run before, by the time they corner me in an alleyway I can barely breathe. The big guy I can tell he's in charge. " what the hell do you want with me " he holds his phone and a picture of Gibbs then says " come with us or we kill him. " I decide not to fight back and walk with the men they take to an parking lot then open a trunk door. One of the men pushes me in and close the truck it's Pitch black inside.

When they start driving there is little cell service all I mange to get on text to Gibbs saying " code black " hopefully he will understand if not than I am in trouble. The Service cuts out I kick and scream but it's no use.

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