Retuning memories

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Jessies POV
Its midnight when i wake up from a nightmare its was the 10 year anniversary of my mom and little brothers death last year around this time i had a really hard time last year Gibbs found me in the bathroom one day after school with the bottle of hydrocodone i had form a soccer injury, i was going to try to overdoes I had been depressed for a while last year. If dad hadn't come in i would have taken the pills and probably be dead.

He flushed the pills, i could feel my knees getting weak i was shaking trying to hold everything in but i couldn't i fell to the ground cried well more ugly sobbing Gibbs. Just wrapped his arms around me held for while i cried for what felt like hours.
{end of flashback}

I walk in to the basement Gibbs was staining the book case for my room when he sees me " cant sleep?" I nod he smiles and gives me a paint brush its calming he looks at " what keeping you up" " time of year" i say not making eye contact " you know what happened" Gibbs puts hand on my shoulder " i did you father also told me what happened" i look at him " know one knows what happen i was the only one there who survived he looks me why don't you tell me,i nod

" It was a normal day my dad was deployed, my mom owned a small shop, it had a general store feel to it; there was a bit of everything. Mom had given me a dollar for helping sweep the shop Lucas and i had gotten into fight over the stupid dollar. I ran in the the back store room to hide it we both had jars with money hidden back there I remember going to the front but hearing my mom yelling then what sounded like the cash register opening then i heard a loud bang and Lucas crying then silents, i ran in the back hidden i covered my ear i still hear the second shot, what a later found was the men shooting my mom in the head. But i just sat the back crying, then I remember man coming in the back showing me his badge he was a cop, and him carrying me out the back door."

I am shaking at this point my voices is trembling i can feel my self having a panic attack. I am able to clam myself down after a few minutes then continue the story.

" I think I stayed in foster for a while i don't how long till my dad got home, i don't remember when exactly but i do remember how happy i was to see him and how I wouldn't let go of him for awhile."

Gibbs just looks at me he takes the brush out of my shaking hands, he just hugs me until i am ready to go back to bed i walk up stairs and craw back in to bed. I grab my marine bear, Gibbs and Abby got for me last year for Christmas. When you squeeze the foot its a recording of my dad saying " i love you baby girl i am so proud of you" i smile and got back to sleep.

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