Still water

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I walk down stairs to see dad sitting at the table. The phone rings just as i was about to sit down so i grab it. " hello" its Jackson on the phone we talk for a while. Its nice having a grandpa my biological grandparents are all dead. I first met Jackson last year during Christmas i was so nervous that i would say something or do something to give the wrong impression. But he was kind and sweet and everything that a grandpa should be. " he asked me " why don't you come to still water when school ends?" I smile " i would love to but i have to talk to dad first" Gibbs takes the phone from me.

I walk up stairs to get ready for the movie i am going to see with Ail. I walk in to the house a few hours later " dad you home" i call out he answers in the kitchen i walk to see dad sittings the table. I brought home pizza so we eat then he tells me that if i want i can spend the summer in stillwater i can but i have to help pops with the store. Classic dad can't just let me have the summer to relax but no he wants to me work. I don't mind, to be honest i appreciate a good work ethic.

I was shocked that I could go at all. I love dad but he's always a bit over protective of I mean who can balme him, I did get kidnapped and then someone did try to murder again but i am getting really tired of it.

On time i stayed past my curfew and he sent ziva to find me with lights and sirens and everything I wasn't able to show my face at school for like a week because she broke up the party. All alot of kids got in trouble after that.

Honestly i was happy to get out of DC for a while, i was finishing up grade 11 with only exams left when a lot went down i think dad was happy i was getting out of town for a while he was going to at work a lot especially with Vance on leave recovering form the death of his wife Jackie. I would see him less then i already do.

In the first week of may Jackie Vance and Eli David were killed in the Vance's house. Ziva had not told me a lot about here father. I know she and him did not have a good relationship. Vance took Jackie's death hard. I knew Jackie well i would babysit Kayla and Jared for them sometimes so she called me that day after it happen.


Its was a Tuesday morning when i was walking to school when i get a phone call from Kayla i immediately pick up as dad said that something happen last night when he rushed out last night in the middle of dinner after he got a call from Tony.

I picked up my phone and answered as Kayla sobbed in to the phone.

Kayla —— " Jess you there"

Jess —— " I am here where are you whats wrong are you ok ?" 

Kayla — — "i am at Washington General with you dad and the team."

I ask her why even though i already know the answer.

Jess —— " why are you there ?"

I could hardly understand her but what she said next i heard clear as day

Kayla —— " my moms dead my dads been shot i am at the hospital waiting to hear how my dad is"

then she says

Kayla —— " i got to go the doctor are here"

Jess —— " i will be there soon"

I call a cab to take me to the hospital then i call dad.

I call he picks up " hey Jess whats up? Not the best time make it quick" i answer " Kayla just called, me i am on my way there now i can watch them for the day while you figure out what the hell happen" " ok" he says then hangs up i was shocked that he did not put up more of a fight for me to go to school.

Once at the hospital i walk in to the waiting room to be met by Ducky, Jimmy, Abby, McGee Tony and Ziva. Who by the look on there face i don't think Vance survived the shooting either . I walk up to dad he just turns around and hugs me.

I am almost afraid to ask, I have lost so many people i am not sure if i can handle loosing anyone else. " how is Leon ?" Dad just looks at me and nods i let out a breath i didn't realize i was holding. Along with everyone else.

Kayla runs up to me and hugs me along with Jared. I lost my little brother a long time ago so they feel like my siblings. We hug for a little bit then give I them both money to get something from the vending machine while i talk to the others.

Then i turn to dad " Can i take them back to the house for the day until you can get a hold of some other family?"  He nods

I take them back to the house for the day while i wait for a leon to take them home. As I watch them i think about my real dad and how i felt when he was killed. I promised myself that not matter what i would be there for Kayla and Jared to help them though this like Tony, McGee and Ziva were there for me.

The funeral was hard it brought up a lot of bad memories for me and i had a panic attack after the service something, I had not had in a long time.

There were also some changes within dads team as well, Ziva and Tony were gone for awhile looking for the man who killed Ziva's dad then she couldn't come back to NCIS after. She called me the night before she left for good. I was in a movie but Ziva left me a massage " Hey Jess i just wanted to say goodbye I must go for a while i hope we will meet again if not i hope you know i care about you so much, and hope you live a life well lived goodbye please don't call once i am settled i will reach out to you, goodbye"

They brought one a new girl her name was Ellie Bishop i missed Ziva but i like Ellie she is warm and happy all the time which gets on my nerves sometimes. But i like her i think my dad worrys that something will happen to her she sits at zivas desk and the girl before that was also killed

{End flashback}

School had ended i passed with honours in all of my classes but now the real work had to start i had to think about what i wanted for the rest of my life where I wanted to go in the future.
As i said goodbye to dad Allison who had become family she now lived in our house and she and dad were happy together i don't think they will get married though dad had not had the best luck when it comes to getting married.

I said my goodbyes to everyone Dad hugged me " be safe" I smiled and rolled my eyes "always am" as i drove to still water in my old ford four door dad bought for us to fix up so i can drive something. The radio played as i drove down the highway.


Hey all i am back its been forever i have the worst case for writers block in human history but here it is

- jelisa

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