Family is more then just DNA

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I am in the hospital for about a week. My teachers sent me my homework so I didn't fall behind. Gibbs stayed there every night. The doctors said I had some cuts and bruises. They also said because they were waterboarding me my lungs were slowly filling up with water so they had to drain them I also had three broken ribs and a fractured wrist. They wanted to keep me for observation.

Gibbs called the school and told them I got a severe case of food poisoning because saying I was kidnapped and tortured for 2 days sound kinda crazy to most people.

The first night was the worst every few hours I would wake up in a cold sweat but it's was a different nightmare now. When ever I would wake up so would Gibbs and he would tell me " everything ok your safe now go back to sleep " until I fall back a sleep. I could tell he wasn't comfortable in the chair so when he left for work the next morning. I asked the nurse to bring in a more comfortable chair and she did.

The days seemed longer when I was in the hospital though but I always had visitors. The whole team would come and visit me. Abby would come by; she's teaching my decryption, when McGee would and visit me him and I play computer games, Tony and I watch movies and talk about actors and our favourites, Ziva and I would talk about just talk she is on the few women I have in my life I can talk to. Ducky is teaching me how to play chess and he tells me story's which I could listen to for hours I always wanted to learn how to play chess my dad was going to show me but after he got back from his second tour he couldn't handle it, I like when plamer comes by cause he tells me about what's happing at NCIS with the cases and everybody.

I only told two friends what really happened to me I didn't give the details , honestly they probably couldn't handle it. Jen and Lexi they would come by after school and sit with me for a while they would help me with what I didn't understand. I have a lot of friends at school but only a few really close friends who know everything about me.

I had been in the hospital for three days now I can eat in cafeteria which is good I am sick of hospital food, I was sitting eating some pizza when Gibbs sits beside " hey sweetheart " he says I nearly jump out of my wheel chair, that I am forced to use. He smiles " sorry about that didn't mean to scar you " I nod " it's fine " I say.

Gibbs could tell there was something on my mind, I had thought about this a lot I didn't have a home after my dad got killed but Gibbs let me stay with him he made me safe and barely left me side since I got here. I look and down at my plate and I start playing with food when Gibbs say " ok Jessie what's wrong"

I look at him there's no more putting it off I just have to rip the bandaid off and just say it.

I slip the papers I had printed off earlier in the day. Gibbs looks down at them.

Gibbs looks stunned like he's been electrocuted I think to myself "I think I broke him " then he answers right a way without any hesitation "yes of course " I start to cry but it's happy tears  for once. Everyone else in the cafeteria start to clap Gibbs gives me a huge hug " my ribs my ribs " I say in pain " sorry sorry" I just smile. I can he's uncomfortable with how public it is but he puts on a brave face for me.

Gibbs says " can I ask why " I smile and lean on him " because when I had no one when I was alone and afraid you were there for me you let me live with you. Since this hole mess started you have barely left my said so I would say your pretty qualified to be my legal Guardian. " Gibbs looks down at me " when Kelly and Shannon died I was a broken man over the year and a few ex-wives later I am mostly healed. When we meet I didn't think I could nor would ever become a father again. I know I will never replace your real dad but I will always be there for you and that's not going to change" I just smile then Gibbs wheels me back to my room as we turn in to my room Gibbs phone goes off he answers it as I get back into bed. Then comes in the room "got to go work for bit " Gibbs tells me he kiss me on the forehead " love you kid " I wave goodbye " love you too " I say as he walk out the door. As he goes I think " I have a home now

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