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I made it to stillwater in record time. I spent a lot of time with grandpa. For the first time in a long time a i got to be a kid. I made friends, swam in the ponds, had bon fires, got drunk. It was by far on the better summers of my life. I knew that dad was trying to keep my safe after Jackie and Eil were both killed. I was honestly glad to be out of D.C for a while, I was 17 turning 18 and had no clue where i was going or what i wanted to do. So the summer away gave me time to think.

When i got back to D.C at the end of summer i knew i was going to in law enforcement, i had it all planned out i would go to Georgetown university and major in criminology, that would be a 4 year program then i would apply for NCIS once and if i was hired then training at FLETC would take about 4-5 months. And then i would be an NCIS probie. I also decided that i would not use dads last name I would used Cordova instead of Gibbs so i could make a name for myself not based on his last name.

Five Years Later

Lot changed in the last five years Since i started school, some bad and some good.

Dad and Allison broke up he won't go in to details personally i think she wanted to get married and dad didn't. After three failed marriages and Shannon i don't think dad wants to got here again.

Ziva left NCIS for good she went back to Israel before she left she told me she was leaving because weight of the cases got to be too much for her. Tony was really lonely but McGee distracted him. I felt bad for Tony. I don't think they ever said it to each other but everyone could tell they loved each other.

We lost grandpa in June 2011 dad took that hard, I did too but dad did what he always did when he was hurting he focused on work i did the same things I guess. I focused school and my job at the dinner But i know that dad wish he got to say goodbye. Dad gave grandpas store to the kid who was helping him run it.

Eleanor or elli Bishop came on to the team from the NSA, Elli, Tony and McGee worked well together and she is great i love her. Elli is also one of the few people i have seen stand up to dad. I think her and Nick have a thing going on.

When Ziva died that was by far on the hardest things in a very long time when i found out i was watching the news at the house. I drove straight to NCIS, I honestly had hoped that it wasn't real or that she survived but when i walked to the squad-room and saw the looks on dad and Tonys face it confirmed it for me. But I didn't cry or at least in front of them i went to Abby's lab and cried with her. They were able to get Trent court. The report says that he resisted arrest and they had to shoot him but i know from how Fornell and Gibbs we acting the night after i know Tony just shot him. I am glad he's dead.

Tony found out that he had a daughter with Ziva a few days later. Ziva named her Talie she was the perfect mix of both of them i babysat for Tony for a bit. When Tony needed it if i was able too if not senior did. Tony soon left NCIS Tony felt he needed to be there for Talie. Tony stayed in Paris.

McGee proposed to his girlfriend Delilah in the elevator. He had this big elaborate proposal planed out but i told him that simple is better so did Ellie. Although i did't think he would pull a Gibbs and stop that elevator and propose to her there.

Alex Quinn joined dads team after sending him 7 agents that he rejected. Apparently dad now hold the record for most rejected agents in a mouth

Nick Torres joined the team  after 10 years of undercover work. I know dads secret when comes to bringing people in to his team. Dad picks people who need his team not the other way around. Nick needed the team and more then that he needed a family and thats what we are. Also Nick is HOT but so off limits. dad would kill him then me.

McGee and Delilah got married there wedding was so amazing it was small with just our family. McGee has grown alot since i met him years ago he is like my big brother and Delilah amazing. Then they found out that they were pregnant. Delilah called to tell the news McGee fainted when the nurse told them, I wished they got it on video. The twins John and Morgan who are adorable. I enjoy babysitting them.

I gradated for Georgetown, everyone was there the whole team even Vance. I know dad is worried about me going to NCIS after everything he has seen but dad respects my decisions and choices. I decided not to use Gibbs in my application and I didn't tell anyone i applied if i am going to get in i was going to get in based on my own skills and accomplishments.

While dad and McGee were in Paraguay Alex left NCIS her mom's Alzheimer's got bad so she took a leave of absence.

Gibbs, McGee and Nick went to Paraguay to help rescue a missing marine and help three kids escape becoming child soldiers but dad tired to hold off a small army of tigger happy rebel's so the chopper could take off, McGee jumped out at the last minute. He and dad were held and tortured for two months but for everyone else back home its felt like an eternity.

I stayed on the campus at Georgetown and was going planning on staying on campus for a little longer but i got a phone call from Vance saying i needed to get to NCIS right away that alone told me something was really wrong i though dad had been shot or blown up something. But when i got to NCIS and saw Delilah sitting there crying hugging Bishop i knew that is was bad.

I stayed with Delilah for most of the time. I was there to help out. I found it really hard being at the house alone i am so used to sleeping with noise, i've be come accustomed to dads foot steps and tool noise at every night even at Georgetown there were people in dorms at night.

Delilah and i had started our own off the books search for them we were both calling in favour from where ever we could. NCIS was ordered to stand down by the Judicial Conduct Committee on Capitol Hill. But no one was listening to that order, not even Vance. I think the hardest part for me for me was thought  that i would never see dad again. I was also supposed to go to FLECT the following mouth but i pushed it back a while.

The only reason the team did not implode was because of Elli she stepped up. And kept things running smooth with the help of Nick and Clayton Reeves the international liaison for dads team.

When i got the call saying that they were coming home Delilah and i sat in the kitchen sobbing. I went back to the house and cleaned and lit a fire for some steaks. Knowing dad thats what he wanted.

When dad walked in the door, i ran up to him like i was 14 again and hugged i said " dont ever scar me like that again I didn't i think i would ever see you again" he just hugged me back and we talked. To me at least he seemed different like a new lease on life sort of deal. I was not sure if this was going to be a lasting thing or a i was just held and tortured for two months sort of deal. Either way I didn't care i had my dad back.

I finally was went to FLECT, dad pushed me to finally do it and after 5 mounths  i graduated  top my class.

Jacqueline or Jack Sloan joined the team she and Vance have a lot of history together. Jack and dad hit it off really well like nothing i have ever seen before, i think her and dad are good for each other. She challenges him and they are able to talk to each other about stuff he wont even tell me.

Abby and Clayton went out for dinner, they we mugged abby and Clayton we both shot. Clayton died in the alley and Abby almost did. I was at my apartment when i got he call i rushed to he hospital. I was there for about an hour before i had to leave i just could not handle it.

Claytons died and it hit everyone i think it hit Abby the hardest though. She left NCIS to do charity work, Abby i and i talk all the time still.

Vance was kidnapped by someone from his and Jacks past dad assgined Kayla a detail and she stayed with me while the team was trying to find Vance. I think after all the poeple this team has lost they would not have not survive another lost. Three mouths later they were able to find Vance. So the team was hole again.

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