Life back to normal

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Over the next 6 months my life gets back on track. I get out of the hospital and go back to school. We also start the adoption paperwork " Jesus this is a lot of paper just for an adoption " I laugh while we eat dinner one night. Later that night as we work on the boat

Jessie ----- " How do you gets these thing out of here anyway? "

He smiles
Gibbs ---- " you will never know "

Jessie ---- "Hey I made the Soccer team and I have practice every Tuesday and Thursday so I have to stay late after school . "

Gibbs ---- " Ok just let me know when your done I can pick you up at the coffee shop after practice near school."

Over the next few weeks life is good I am playing Soccer and the doctor gave me a clean bill of health. It's a Thursday late afternoon when I am in the coffee shop. I am in line I order my usual a latte with cinnamon and whip cream . The drink cost about five dollars I alway keep a five in my gym bag but today I lost it. " Damm it " I say the cashier looks up at me and raise his eyebrows. The woman behind me steps up and hands the cashier a five. I get my drink then turn around. The woman is in full navy uniform. I look at her chest and see that she is a Lieutenant.

Thanks you Lieutenant " stone " she says. I am "Jessie Cordova " I smile then hold out my hand. She shakes it. We move out of the way of the counter.

The Lieutenant is a red head with green eyes, she about 5,10.

Allison stone ---- " I am surprise you knew my rank most kids just asked if I have killed anyone"

I laugh

Jessie ---- " well my dad was a marine three tours before he was killed and my..umm....Guardian he's is an NCIS agent."

Allison stone ---- " sorry for your loss "

Jessie ---- " its ok he survies three tour over ther olny to get killed here , so where are you station or are you on leave ?"

Allison stone  ---- " Im a advisour at the pentagon "

I hear the bell on the door open then I look over to see Gibbs walk in he looks around for me. I tell Lieutenant stone to wait a minute.

I walk up to Gibbs " hey I am going to change you owe the her five dollars, I as point to Lieutenant stone. Then walk in to the bathroom.

Gibbs POV

I look over to see who Jessie is pointing at and I was not expecting her she's beautiful. I walk over to her " hello I am Leroy Jethro Gibbs but you can call me Gibbs" she smiles " hello" say while sipping her coffee. I pull out my wallet to give her a five dollar bill " thanks for paying for Jessie's drink" she smiles " oh your the NCIS agent " I hold out my hand to shake her hand.

She looks at me and shakes her head "oh no it's ok" she says I smile and pull out one of my cards well why don't I buy you a drink later and we will call it even. She smiles and tucks her hair behind her ear. " ok " she takes my card and walks out of the coffee shop.

Jessie's POV

I walk out of the bathroom to see Gibbs looking around the shop smiling to himself. I walk out " so you get her number or what " I look at him and shake my head as I walk out of the coffee shop and wait in the car. We head home for the night when he gets a call from what I can assume is NCIS. We turn around and go to NCIS.

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