Justice for all

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I wake up a few hours later I don't see or hear Gibbs. But there's a light coming from down the hall. I get up and follow the light, it looks like it's coming from a basement or something. I open the door and walk down the stairs to see Gibbs working a boat. It's probably about midnight. I smile then say " Is it a Marine thing work on boats in the middle of the night and drink bourbon or something. My dad does or he used to do the same thing." He hands me a piece of sandpaper, we start working in silence.

Gibbs breaks the comfortable silence.

Gibbs ---- " so what do you know about a  lieutenant Richardson?"

Jessie ----- " well he was my dads CO . My dad alway spoke his mind no matter what anyone thought but he always said that lieutenant Richardson made him uneasy. Why ? "

Gibbs ---- "the files you gave me, his name comes up a lot in the files. "

Gibbs stares at me

Jessie ---- " what ?"

Gibbs ---- " nothing it's just you remind of my daughter Kelly I think she would have looked like you if see had made it 14."

Jessie --- " I am sorry what happened"

Gibbs ---- " well it's a long story but the short story is my first wife and my 8 year old daughter were both killed "

Jessie ---- " did you get over it ?"

Gibbs ---- " no something like that don't get over but you move on and heal ."

Jessie ---- " then there's hope for me if I can stop replying that day in my head then I may get more then a four house of sleep a night without sleeping pills. "

Gibbs gives me a sad and concerned look but he doesn't press on the subject.

Jessie ---- you never answered my question how did you and my dad meet

Gibbs ---- " your father and I met while we were in the investigating a murder on one of the ships he was station on at the time. "

Jessie ---- " he trusted enough you enough to tell me to go directly to you after he got killed "

Gibbs raises an eyebrow at me

Jessie ---- " When the guys were in my house they were looking for something I found a note that lead me to the flash drive, he told me to give to you and no one else. "

Over the next few day I stay at Gibbs house. It's been two days since I have been staying at Gibbs house it's a Wednesday afternoon. I am working on my small boat, when I hear the door open so I call Gibbs on his phone. The phone rings he answers right away " Gibbs " " Hey I am in the basement can you bring me down a drink please." There's a slight pause then he says " I can when I get home but I am still at NCIS " I hear someone moving around upstairs it sounds like there in the guest bedroom " ok then Gibbs who is in the house if it's not you" I can hear him yelling something in the background then he says to me " ok listen me very carefully go to my work bench there should be a knife tucked under the table, then I want you to lock the basement door and crawl under the big work bench and stay there till I get there ."

I do as Gibbs says I am sitting under the table and it the same feeling I felt years ago like there's nothing I can do and am completely helpless. I hear them bust the lock to the basement door I hear them walking down the steps with each step they make the steps making a creaking sound. There's at least two of them, I can feel my heart racing and my hands start to sweat. I take a deep breath as I see the men's feet right beside the work bench.

Then before I can even blink someone grabs me by the hair and pulls me out from under the workbench. I drop the knife and start kicking and screaming, I mange to knee one guy to the gut he throws me across the room knocking and breaking my boat . I land beside the work bench I grab a chisel and stab the other guy in the foot, then last guy walks over kicks me in the stomach the throws me against the wall and pulls a gun out. I beg " please don't kill me I won't say anything please " then there's a the sound of a gun shot I see the bullet enter his head there's less blood then expected . I fall to the ground I can't hear anything or breath I feel like I am having a panic attack.

Gibbs jumps over the rail grabs me, he holds me for a few minutes while agent McGee starts to take pictures agents David and NiDozzo taking the men that are still alive. Gibbs helps me up. Gibbs moves me in the living, I try to drink some tea but am still shaking. The corner gets to Gibbs house " down here duck " he yells Gibbs can see that I am still shaking so he asks " Hey duck can you look a her."

Doctor Mallard looks at me " Jethro the poor Girls in shock she just needs some rest " I see that Gibbs leaving " where are you going ?" He squeezes my arm " I am going to NCIS to deal with these pieces of crap you should be safe here I am going to have two agent posted out front " I look down at the floor " no don't please don't leave me here alone" I whisper he nods " lets go " I look down at the floor and nod. We head to NCIS , agents David,McGee and NiDozzo go to follow Gibbs but he Turns around says " closed interrogation " and they sit back at there desk. Mcgee starts to type on his computer everyone crowds around his computer. " what are we watching " I ask , Ziva says " McGee hacked in to the interrogation equipment so we can see the interrogation."

As I watch I see a side of Gibbs that I have never seen before, it's kinda of scary to see how violent he can be. But i see a lot of my father in Gibbs .

Gibbs comes down the and everyone scatters back to there desk. Gibbs walks up to me and says " it's over Jessie " I ask " was it Lieutenant Richardson who sent them after me ?" He looks down" no it's a Lieutenant Grayson but we will nail Lieutenant Richardson for the gun smuggling were not giving up. "

He walks towards the elevator door then say " you coming " I get up and run towards elevator. On the drive home I fall asleep.

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