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Gibbs POV

The next morning I wake up first and try to get up without waking Allison , its about 7:30 i have to be at the office by 8 so i get ready for the day. I put a pot coffee on when i hear Allison waking up. She sits up and smiles at me  " oh man her smiles so gorgeous" i think as Allison takes my coffee right out of my hand. " well i do have get to work you stay as long as you would like. " She smiles when i do leave will you call me back this time." I nod and walk out the door.

I get in Ziva,McGee and Tony are sitting at there desks i walk in Tony is talking " why do think he's late ? Maybe he seeing someone." Ziva and McGee go quite Tony sits up straight " he's behind me isn't he" i smack him in the back of the head " good morning boss" Tony says trying to recover i sit down my phone goes off " grab your gear we got a case"

Its about 1:30 when i get a phone call from Jessie.

Jessie —— " hey hows your week going"

Gibbs —— " well its been ok, i had a visitor last night "

Jessie —— " what do you mean you had a visitor last night at the house, oh please tell you didn't do it all over the house"

Gibbs —— " what no, do you remember that women from the coffee shop i went out for dinner with."

Jessie —— " oh my god you finally saw her again she was hot and really into you"

Gibbs —— " her car broke down in front of the house it was late and pouring rain so there were no tow trucks, she spent the night on couch, we fell asleep"

Jessie —— " thats great you have to call her back this time.!"

Gibbs —— " i don't know theres a lot going on"

Jessie —— " like what i am good, the teams back together, Vance and you are not at each others throats all the time nows the best time"

Gibbs —— " maybe your right"

Jessie —— " maybe! No i am right. I have to go were going on a hike"

Gibbs —— " ok bye love you "

Jessie —— " love you too "

I hang up the phone then head to Abby's lab to see what she has for me.

Jessie POV

Ali and I get our gear were going on our own two night camping trip by ourselves. Its 8 when we had to leave if we wanted to be there by lunch. Spot Ail is taking me to she has been there many times. Its a bit of a journey to get there. First its a two hour paddle by canoe then an one and a half hour hike while carrying the canoe.

We load our gear and start out for the trip. When we get to the site her and i pitch our tent and go swimming. Its the most fun i have had in a long time.

Gibbs POV

I decided to call Allison the worst that can happen is she doesn't answer. I dial her number its rings " Stone"

Gibbs —— "Hi its agent Gibbs"

Allison —— " oh i am glad you called and here i was think that i would never hear from you again."

Gibbs —— " truthfully i wasn't sure but you have Jessie to thank for this"

Allison —— " man oh man what would you do without her"

Gibbs —— " i am not sure at this point so do you want to go out for dinner tonight if this case doesn't run to long"

Allison—— " Gibbs are you asking me on a date, ok i will be there say Novas at 8"

Gibbs —— " that great see you then"

I hang up the  phone Tony walks by you " ready boss" I walk in to MTAC. To talk to a Navy Lieutenant on the Alexander in the Indian Ocean. Its about 9 when Tony says " going home boss its late you should get some rest" i look up and nod Tony can be the most annoying person in the world sometimes but there is no i would rather have my six. I see its 9:00 o'clock, damm it i say aloud as grab my coat and rush out.

I call Allison " hey i am sorry i miss late if you don't want to see me again I understand." She laughs its ok i made the reservation for 9 o'clock anyway. " ok " i walk in to Novas and i see Allison sitting at the table she looks gorgeous. Her and i talk for while i tell her about how Jessie came to be in my life, about the past marriages and other past things. She tells that she is a widow. I touch her, she grabs on to my forearm. Allison tells me about her husband was an NCIS agent in San Francisco, he was shot in a shoot out protecting a 12-year-old witness. I looked down and make the decision to tell her about Shannon and Kelly something I did tell some of my ex-wives. There's something that makes me trust her"

Its about 10:30 when one of the waiters asks to up leave because they were closing for the night. We walk out shes had a little to much wine at dinner so i hale a cab we head back to my house. She falls asleep on the couch. I cover her up and work go down stairs to work on my boat for a bit.

Its about 8:30 when i hear Allison walking around down stairs. I am ready to go work. She looks at me and smiles i give her one of my sweats to wear. We walk into the kitchen. Allison wraps her arms arms around me. Allison and i start to kiss.

Jessies POV
We get that next morning get ready to leave. Ail and I help her mom clean the cabin, pack the car then we drive home. Her mom asks where i would to be dropped off. I look at my phone dad should be work by now so say to dropped me off at home. I walk in to the house the doors open i walk and and yell "Ewww god get a room why don't you" as i run upstairs to put my stuff way. I can hear them laughing i come down stairs give Gibbs a hug say to Allison and then go make a coffee.

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