
911 17 2

One night I'm sitting down with dad playing poker with him and his Friends it's nice to know that that actually has friends. It makes me feel ok because i know that when i am not home, hes not alone.

I smiled as we all wait for dad to play his hand. Vance specks up " what do you think Jack?" Fornell makes a comment about Gibbs marrying Diane, and dad just sits there and smirks. In that moment i know he will be ok if i get killed on the job.

As the games ends and dad collects his winning. I look at Vance, he nods giving me the ok to tell him about my assignment.

We sit on the couch and eat the rest of the pizza and drink a class of scotch together.

" so dad listen we need to talk" he just sips his scotch "figured you tell me eventually". I smile " well Vance has been able to set up a new German field office, they have had a lot of problems with US navy officers over there so, Vance had asked agent Austin Daniels to run the team out there untill he retires next year so Vance wants me to take over eventually."

I look down at the old floor boards " I Want to take it but i told Leon that i can't without your approval. Dad stands up and hugs me. Then he puts his hand on my shoulder looks me right in the eyes like i am a kid all over again " listen here if you want to go to Germany then go i support you no matter what." I just start crying at this point.

The next day i walk into the office, i go straight to Vance office and give him my answer, i fill out the paper work then go to tell dads team who have become my family.

They were happy for me but sad that i was leaving. Two weeks later i was heading to the airport. My life was packed up in suit cases and box's being shipped haft way across the world. Before going to the airport i had to stop by NCIS to see everyone before I leave. I walk in and everyone's holding gifts.

I smile " common i said no going away gifts." Jimmy steps forward "you really think you leave and we wouldn't get you anything. I take turns hugging everyone.

I start with Jimmy he says " your going to be great, make sure to send me any really interesting cases" i answer" of course i will"

Next is Ducky "good luck my daring and remember no matter where you go we are not ever that far away." i will miss Ducky alot when i was a kid he was always there for homework or if dad was driving me crazy.

After that i say goodbye to Nick, he says " good luck kid your going to be great" i smile and whisper in his ear " don't hid your feelings she can see right though them." Nick shakes his head and nods.

Then i move on to Ellie she hugs me tight " i am going to miss you i liked having a little sister" she starts to tear up a bit " well i liked having a big sister too"

Next are McGee and Delilah i hug them both, McGee looks and at me and says " were going miss you around here" Delilah adds "plus were losing our favourite babysitter" i look at Delilah " i am going to miss you guys and the the twins so much"

Next is Casey she smiles she starts crying which makes me start to tear up again. " i am going to miss you i mean who else am i going to watch movies with after hours" she answers "well there is a thing called Skype." I roll eyes

Then i walk over to Jack who is sitting on dads desk i hug her and ask " Hey can you do me a favour and look after him for me" she answers "Don't worry i will look after him for you" just before i walk away whisper  " and would you please do me a favour and tell him how you feel we can all see it" jack looks puzzled at first but i can see the gears turning in her head a look of realization crosses her face.

Then last but no least i go up to dad he avoids my eyes at first " Oh come on i know you want to say something" dad leads me away from the group and hugs me tight before i can say anything dad cuts me off  "listen to me kid when we first meet we were two very different people but bring you in to me life has been probably one of the better decision i have made in a long time" i nod " well when we met i was pretty messed up but we've definitely changed and are now better for it" he hugs me. Just before I leave i say to him "  you should tell her, and open up let her see what i see." He furrows his eyebrows so i know he's think then, i see dads eyes glance at Jack as a small smile crosses his face

I walk out of NCIS with a bag of gifts and my suit case in hand as i head to the airport.

Leaving DC is hard, it feels like i am leaving my whole life and family, my parents and Luca are buried here. And the family I chose. Ducky once told this quote that hit me hard he " most people have two family's one is the own you born in to and the other is the one you chose"

Once at the airport i wait for my plane I decide to open up my going away presents the first one i open is Caseys its a book " forensic science for beginners" i flip though the book then place it back in the bag next i open up McGee and Delilahs gifts they gave me two picture frames with the first is a picture of me and the twin and the other one is a picture me,Him,Tony,Ziva and Abby. i miss them so much.

The next one i open is from Nick, its a cd labeled " Nicks top 100 songs of all time " i look up and listen as a voice comes our the speaker it's not my flight so i go back to the gifts the next one i open is Ellie box, its a shell casings turned in to a necklace from the very first time i ever shot a weapon, dad was totally against it but Ellie took me anyway. 

Jimmy and ducky gave me an original copy of around the world in 80 days by Jules Verne. Its my all time favourite book.

The next one i open is Jacks hers is heavy, i nearly drop it pulling it out, but i burst out laughing its a jar of 200 lollipops, when i would go in to her office i would purposely pick out different colours just to throw Jack off, she honestly became like a second mom to. Shes been around a lot more lately even last Christmas she spent it with us after they gave back the baby.

The last gift is from dad its a small box at first jewelry box i open the box and its a dog tag, his dog tag. As i add it to my own tags the voice comes over the specker and its " flight 785 to Frankfort Germany is now boarding please make your way to gate 22 International terminal."  I stand up walk over to broad my plane to Germany.

Once the plane takes off i open the blind on the window and just smile. For the fist time I realize that despite all the pain i went through, i also got a lot of good out of it too.

With that thought in my mind I close my eyes and try to sleep. As i dream of whats to come.


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