Rule 12 Broken

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Gibbs POV
We work the case McGee and Abby are going over base CCTV footage Tony and Ziva are interviewing witnesses. Allison and i head to autopsy to see Ducky. We get in the elevator i hit the emergency button she looks at me, theres a light in her eyes i smile. " I liked your team there are very loyal". She kisses me on the cheek i click the emergency button on the elevator.

I lead Allison in to autopsy Ducky starts talking as always "oh Jethro just in time i was about to call you" he turns around " lieutenant Stone I did not realize you would be joining us today" Allison smiles and holds her hand out " Doctors Mallard i have heard so much about you its nice to put a face to the name" they smile i can tell this is hard for her, seeing her friend on the table cut open. I place my hand on her shoulder " you can wait out side if you want" she nods and walks out Ducky fills me in " well the Sergeant Lincoln Micheals took three to the chest that would be cause of death, the first one hit him in the shoulder, second shot hit him in the abdomen rupturing his liver, the third and fatal shot hit him in the leg tearing his femoral artery the massive blood lose was instantly fatal"

After I am finished in autopsy, I see Allison standing waiting for me. Her eyes are watering, I grab her hand "lets go see Abby she will put a smile on your face"

We walk in to Abby's lab the music is blaring loud as usual I turned it off. " Gibbs Gibbs Gibbs" she pull me to her work bench " I have got a lot to show you" shes talking really fast Abby is sweet, a goth with a heart of gold. " Abbs take a breath" she does then Allison steps in "Hi you must be Abby Scuito I am Allison" they shake hands I smile its nice to see Allison and Abby getting a get along. Abby is like a second daughter to me.

Abby tells us about her finding "I analyzed the bullets Ducky gave me they were your basic street pistol 22 Glock to be exact, you can get it from any of your friendly neighbourhood arms dealer. I also found some dried blood and skin cells under our victims finger nails I ran them through major mass speck, then ran the sample through CODIS and no match I have moved on to other databases I will let you know when I have more" Abby smiles and holds out her hands I give Abby the caf-pow and kiss her on the forehead. Allison and I head back to the squad room.

Its late afternoon McGee and Tony are going over security footage from the research facility. Ziva gives us an update when I see Jess and she looks mad.

Jessies POV
I walk into NCIS I see Gibbs with the squad "what hell Gibbs when I don't answer my phone its world war three but when you don't answer yours it doesn't matter" I look up to see the team and Allison he looks at me and nods we walk into the elevator. The door closes and he hits the emergency button. I cant help it but start laughing hard too I nearly fall over. He looks at me " you done" I nod still laughing " First never yell at me like that in front of the team ever again or you and I will have to have a serious conversation second do not say anything about Allison and I " the elevator opens everyone looks at us "What none of you ever get into it with your parents" I roll my eyes then head to the gym. After the gym I walk up stairs everyones working hard as always when Gibbs looks " All right bowlos out and theres nothing else we can do go home and get home sleep." I look at Gibbs and Allison he nods and the three of us walk out of NCIS for some dinner.

Were sitting in the dinner talking when Gibbs gets a call we all finish our meals then had back too NCIS. The three of us walk in Gibbs looks at Allison and I. " here Go home" I catch the keys, I passed my drivers test a few months ago. Once I clean the house its about 10:30 when I fall asleep.

Gibbs POV
The team ups everything up and the plasma screen.

Gibbs —— " what have you got"

Ziva —— " Ok well we finally got thought the footage and we were able to get an ID on the men form the video, bowlos out"

Tony —— " The three men in the video are petty officers Mike Poes, Ben Downs and Luke Jones"

McGee —— " The three graduated from Annapolis in 2012 just getting by too I looked at the financials there all broke and in need of cash three months behind on rent and in deep to bookie in Maryland."

Ziva answers her phone the looks up " The bowlo just came back Dorneget is bring him to interrogation. I walk in to interrogation.

I slam the file and he looks at me, "what" I state "Petty Officer Mike Poes, you and your two buddy's broke into one of the Navy research facility on base and shot Sergeant Lincoln Michael's left him for dead he's was a good friend of the women i care about." "Look man I watch Law and Order I want a lawyer?" I role my eyes " Then you know the first one to talk gets the deal!" That when the gates open he tells us " Look we were all desperate for cash and we knew that they were shipping some new guns out so we were going to get the specks and sell them to some company for cash no one should have been there but when we got in, The guy came out of no where, Luke just went off and shot the guy, all i did was hold the door open and drive after."

We arrests the three officers and are able to recover Allison stolen weapons and sent to camp Pendleton. Tony and I are the last two in the office. I was finalizing some paperwork when he walks up to me " Night Boss just want to say I am happy for you its nice to see you happy" I look at DiNozzo " I guess the cats out of the bag" he nods and smiles then head to the elevator, I run to join him. Time to go home i think as i start my drive.

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