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We sit and watch the movie we both fell asleep on the couch I sleep through the night witch is not something I do often.

I wake up the next morning before Gibbs does I put on a pot of coffee for us. I start cooking breakfast when I hear Gibbs getting up he walks into the dinning room. I pass Gibbs a coffee cup and a plate with some eggs on it. He smiles we sit and eat.

Jessie --- " I am telling now you are going this afternoon I know you don't want to but your going"

Gibbs --- " I know"

Gibbs --- " you know years ago Jenny and I were in love, I acted like I was over her but a woman like her you don't get over she's like Shannon in that way"

Gibbs had only told me bits and pieces about Shannon and Kelly.

Jessie --- " you know Gibbs I have to believe that when we lose someone we love we never get over them, we carry them with us, we move on. we don't forget the lessons they thought "

Gibbs --- " you know for a  fifteen year old you have a lot of wisdom."

We finish our breakfast then get ready, I put on the dress on. I wore it to my dads funeral as well. Its feels weird to know that this is my second funeral in a year some of my friends have never been to one. I put on my makeup, heels too.

I can see Gibbs getting ready in the other room as well. He walks out and is trying to fix his tie in the mirror. I walk over and help him I used to help my dad all the time. A car comes by the house to pick us up.

Once at Arlington National Cemetery, I drop the flowers I brought to my dads grave. Then return to the funeral party I walk over to see Ducky, Palmer, Tony,Ziva,McGee,Abby and the new Director Vance standing around.

The Marines lower Jenny's body in to the ground and then we leave it's a silent walk back to the car.


Its been a hard four months Vance who I don't really like much either, split up the team he sent ziva back to Israel, McGee to the cyber crimes unit and sending DiNozzo to be an agent afloat on a carrier ship. Its kinda funny to see how much Gibbs doesn't like his new team sometimes I will hear him come home mumbling under his breath. I can't help but laugh at him. I know he and i miss the others.

When i do go to NCIS its to see Ducky or Abby, Abby helps me with my science and math homework. But i don't go there as much as i used too its not the same hearing Tony and Ziva yelling at each other or Tony picking on Mcgee.

I have been dealing with a lot too i still have my far share of demons . Its a Friday afternoon at school, theres this club called the anti-war club i stay far away from them my father was a marine for god sakes. I keep my fathers bronze star with me all the time if i have an episode is clams me down. When the leader of the club comes up me " whats that ?"  I take a deep breath " its my dads bronzer star from desert storm" the girl just looks me; she had never talked to me or even looked at me before today. " oh your one of those war family's who dad goes to a foreign country and gets a medal for killing a bunch of people" i stand up so were the same hight " what did you just say my father was a good man who went to serve his country so you can protest your crap" at this point we are both screaming " crap this is not crap there are hundreds of thousands of people who are being killed who are fighting to live and stay in there homes because our soldiers are bombing  there homes,school and hospitals!!" i can feel my blood rising i am so angry i lose it  and start punching her she fights back of course then the teachers break up the fight and drag us both in to the office to call our parents.


Sitting at my desk filling out paperwork when the phone rings i pick it up its Jessie's school saying that she got in a fight and i need to pick her up from school.

I walk in to the school office shes sitting in a chair across form another girl Jessie and the other girl both have bruises Jessie had a black eye aswell.


I am sitting in the office when i see Gibbs walk in by the look on his face i can tell he's not happy with me. Gibbs looks at me " what happened ? " he asks before i can answer the other girl dad comes storming to the office. He start yells the principal calms him down then i tell Gibbs about " how she got in my face and how she started talking the our forces and how the war people get medals for shooting other people and i just lost it" he looks at me and nods he understands why i got so mad.

I get suspended for two weeks and Gibbs didn't get mad he knows that i have been dealing with a lot. So he's making me go see a shrink i am not happy about it but it might be good for me. He said that the shrink is a friend his her name is Grace.

Its a Saturday night Jessie is at her friends Ail's family cabin for the long weekend. So i have the house to myself, its feels empty now when shes not home its hard to remember a time when she wasn't here with me. Its around 11:30 when theres a knock at the door. The rain is just coming down. So i answer it i was not expecting to see her again. She stands there dripping wet. I shake myself back to reality and let her in. She looks at me " well this is the last persons house I expected my car to die in front of" i laugh then hand her a blanket to dry off. She smiles " thanks" i look down at my feet " i am sorry i never called back i had a lot going with work and Jessie she being going though a lot with losing her dad"

She just smiles " its ok i like that you put her first." I look down at my watch well " its late so i don't think a tow truck is going to come but you can stay here if you." She smiles " yah i would like that" we walk in shes still cold " here you can wear this if you want" as i hand Allison one my t-shirts.

She puts it on as i go upstairs and fix my bed. Shes sipping on a glass of water wearing my shirt and man she looks good those legs " so you can sleep up stairs i can crash on the couch. Allison nods " want to watch some tv?" I smile we sit on the couch she leans on me and pulls the blanket up to we both fall asleep.

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