You must the famous gibbs

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Gibbs P.O.V

I am sitting at my desk for about five minutes ziva is the first one here. McGee and Tony walk in, Tony sits down and says to me " Hey boss there's a kid in the conference room who will only speak to you." I nodd and head to the conference room. I open the door and the girl sitting. She looks about 14 she looks familiar but I can't place it. I walk in shut the door behind me. " I am special agent Gibbs you wanted to speak to me"

Jessie P.O.V

He sits across from me.

Gibbs ----- " you wanted to speak to me"

I take off my dog tags, I hand them to him he reads them

Gibbs ----- " your father was Pat  Cordova is everything ok? " 

Jessie ----- " no "

Gibbs ----- " what wrong ?"

Jessie ----- " no he...he's......he's dead three guys came busting to the house and shot him "

Gibbs ----- " when "

Jessie ----- " 10 am this morning i was in my room when I got a code black text from my dad it's a Panic code we use. I went to the panic room we have in the house , When I came out he was dead but than I found this."

I hand Gibbs the USB

Gibbs ----- " what's on here "

Jessie ----- " from what I can tell my dad had found evidence of a gun smuggling ring on navy ships" leaving port in DC."

Gibbs --- " ok well first we need to go back to the crime scene. "

Gibbs stands up to leave " I can go with you " he looks at me " absolutely not stay here we can talk more when I get back " I stand up and yell " look my father was just murdered he was a good man and an amazing father and I want to help " Gibbs just nods. We walk out for the conference room he yells at his team " get your gear we've got a navy captain dead let's go " they all look confused I am amusing because of me. We go down the stairs then to his car. The ride back to my house is silent other then me telling him where to go. I finally beak it the slince " so how did you and my dad meet " he went to answer but before he could say something a car comes around the conner and rams into the back of our car. They push us off the road we hit a tree. Gibbs pulls me out just before the car explodes. I can just make out the last two letter of the plates as  it drives off.

We sit on the side of the road for a few minunt then i stand up " I am sorry for getting you involded in this mess there after me they must have figured out that i  have the flash drive." He smiles " I don't know I pissed a lot of people off over the years " he calls one of his agents to come get us.

About 10 minutes later an NCIS van pulls and Gibbs and I get in. We pull up to the crime scene, I go to get out of the car when Gibbs hold the door shut " stay here do not get out of the car " he hands me a radio. I look in my bag and grab my phone but then I realize that Lucas cross is not in my bag. I run in to the house everyone looks at me before they can get a word out I take off up stairs. Agent NiDozzo follows me up. I ask agent NiDozzo " help me move my my bed off the wall will you." " why you shouldn't even be here" " just do it " I yell eventually he does.

Theres a small wall safe in the bottom of my floor. I pull it out of the wall, Gibbs walks in then use the thumb print scanner. The safe makes a ding noise then unlocks I grab his cross and my passport. And head back to the car.

Gibbs follows me out " what the hell I told you to stay in the car " I don't  say anything we just stare at each other i can see the rest of his team watching us. Gibbs walks away. His other agents head back to the crime scene which is weird to think that the house I have lived in for the past 7 years is now a murder scene. I see a man walk on the crime scene. He looks like any other agent. He wearing a NCIS jacket and carrying a camera. Then I see him walk toward the side of the house. Which is weird.

There's nothing on the side of the house other then our gas and electricity pumps. I take a picture of the guys as he walks a way that's when I realize what he did.

I radio Gibbs " what Jessie?" " Gibbs Gibbs get out there I think some dude just planted a bomb. As everyone comes running out Gibbs yells " back now " agents and other cops are still running when i see agent Gibbs jump across the hood of a car then the bomb goes off. I barely manage cover my ears before the gust form the blast knocks the van over. I fly out of my seat and bounced around like piñata. I can't hear anything my vision is  blurry and my head is spinning. I try to crawl out of the van but can't move everything starts to go black. The last thing I see is Gibbs in front of van door.

I wake a few minutes later in the back of an ambulance laying on a structure the paramedic and hovering over me when I fully come too . I freak out Gibbs runs over to the ambulance and claims me down " hey Jessie clam down you're all right you are going to be ok alright " I clam down my breathing goes back to normal. 

Gibbs team walks up to the ambulance " Boss we were able to save all the the evidence we're going to head to NCIS unless you need us to stay " the chubbier one says, Gibbs say nothing just nods his team walks away. I try to stand up but am still bit wobbly I nearly fall out of the ambulance but Gibbs catch's me.

Once I gain my balance I turn around to see my home demolished, I can feel the colour drain from my face. I start to cry a little and walk toward the house Gibbs fallows me. I look to see if anything survived the blast and I find my moms blanket that she made for me when I was a kid. I pick up and walk away from the rubble that was once my home, I just go sit in the car and cover up in the blanket. I fall asleep on the way back to the navy yard.

It's the end of the day; i am exhausted. I am sitting at Gibbs desk drawing when he walk down a set of stirs in the squad room. A red haired woman looks over the balcony.

Jessie " come lets go " I stand up and run after him, we drive to his house, I walk in and sit on the couch

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