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Gibbs POV

We walk in to the Pentagon after passing by the security checkpoint we head straight up to the Commanders office. His assistant yells "hey you can't go in there he's in meeting. " I hold up my badge then we walk in. The commander is talking with man in a suit. " Agent Gibbs nice to see you again" he says while he shoves the man out of his office.

I grab and slam the commander against the wall. I put the cuffs on in " bit tight there agents Gibbs" I make the cuffs tighter. I drag him out of his office while reading him his rights and most of his colleagues are watching. I take him back to NCIS while Tony ,McGee and Ziva go through his office. Once back at NCIS I have another agent escort him to the interrogation room. I let him sit in interrogation for a while. Tony,McGee and Ziva return from his office. " get anything from his office" McGee and Tony look at each other " no boss the most stuff on his computer was classified but there was nothing to say where Jessie is with what we were able to access" I stand up and walk towards. Interrogation room with Ziva, DiNozzo, and McGee right behind me. I walk in to interrogation and sit across from Commander Richardson.

Ziva's POV

Tony McGee and I are watching the Gibbs interrogate Commander Richardson when Tony speaks up " 20 bucks says this guy has to be carried out on a stretcher" I give tony a dirty look then McGee hands Tony the money. At same time the Director walks in. I smile "hello director " I say she smiles " here to watch director"? " McGee asks " yes I am here to make sure the Commander can walk out of here on his own" both Tony and McGee look at each other and smile  Tony says " but it would be pretty cool to see Gibbs go ape shit on this guy" McGee and I smile; Gony looks like he just saw a ghost after realizing he said it out loud the director just laughs.

Jessie POV

I wake up a few hours later there's one window in the warehouse I can see the the sun has gone down. I can see a black figure walking towards me it's one of the men who's been torturing me. He undoes my chains the drags me over to a chair in the middle of the room where he then ties me. I fight a hard as possible to try to get away. I am able to kick him in the jaw then knock the chair over but before I can to get the ropes lose he kicks me in the ribs I scream from the pain it feels like he broke one. He picks up the chair then throws me in to it. The other guy comes in a helps tie my hands and feet. I can feel my eyes filling with tears but I won't let them know how scared I am really am. Both men walk out the main room; five minutes later both men come back in the room. One of the men has sliver case with him. There's a small table in front of me as well.

The guy in charge stands in front of me then opens the case he takes a syringe and vial of liquid out he slowly fills the syringe right in front of my face I can just make out the writing on the vial  " sodiumpentothal  or better known as truth serum" that's when I freak out. The other guy holds me still but I try to fight him off. Then I hear a gun shot the man holding the syringe dropped to the ground. That when I hear and see Gibbs with agents DiNozzo, McGee and David behind him. They all yell " NCIS drop your weapon get on the ground now!" The man does what he's told. Gibbs runs over to me and unties my hands and feet. I try to stand up but nearly faint Gibbs hold me up as we walk out of the warehouse. I hug in to Gibbs and cry as we wait for he ambulance to come. A few minutes later the ambulance comes and Gibbs and I get in.

Gibbs POV

The commander and I sitting across form each other with nothing but the table between us we stare I am the first to speak " where is she ?" He smiles " who " the commander asks playing stupid. " you know who" the Commander smiles again. " oh that girl who tried to ruin my career you mean her " he say I have the urge to beat the hell out of him but I don't give in. There's a knock  on the window. I walk out interrogation to see Ziva and Tony standing there             " what " I yell we have something" she says then I follow them to the squad room.

There all standing around the tv screen McGee is the first to speck " Jessie's phone pinged off 4 towers on the way to the cabin then the phone was turned off so we checked the road heading in and out of the area" Tony buts in like always " so we check property records for the commander and came up nothing with but then we" Ziva cuts Tony off " then we checked any know associates or family of the commander and came up with three most likely locations" McGee speaks up " the first on is a cabin on the Virginia national park the second is an abandoned warehouse on the edge of the city and the third Is" I cut McGee off  "it's the warehouse" you sure boss Tony says " yah my gut says so  " I say as grab my badge and gun form my desk drawer. Tony's on the phone while the other two grab there gear " there all running to catch up to me at the elevator " there are two other teams going to the other locations just in Case".

As we pull up the wear house i hear screaming I know it's Jessie I am out of the car and moving in before Tony can stop the car. We go in with Tony on my six and Ziva and McGee going around the back. I look at Tony he nods then we bust the doors open I yell " NCIS put your weapons down and get on the ground" one the guy is hold a syringe while the other guy holds Jessie down I shoot the man holding the syringe twice in the chest he goes down, while the other guy surrenders. I run over to Jessie who is crying hysterically once untied and help her walk out while holding in my arms I have almost forgotten what is like to have a daughter. Once the ambulance arrives we get in and head to the hospital.

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