death is hard for all

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The next few weeks are tough, walk in to NCIS. I sit at my Gibbs desk and do my home work. When ziva,Tony and McGee walk past my with there heads hanging no makes eye contact with me.

I get up to go see Abby maybe she can tell what's going on around here I think to myself. Once I get down to Abby's lab I see Abby sitting on the ground crying hugging her stuffed hippo. I walk to the autopsy Ducky will tell what's going on.

Ducky is staring off in to space, Plamer is pulling a white sheet over a body. Ducky notices me I sit by his desk.

He walks over to me then " why is everyone acting like someone died ?" I ask him not expecting the answer " my dear Director Shepherd was killed in LA this afternoon. " ducky looks at me " I am sorry didn't Gibbs tell you " I look down at the floor then the door opens it's Gibbs " duck , I need to talk to you Jess" I look at Gibbs then back ducky " no he didn't tell me then walk out of autopsy before Gibbs can finish his sentence.

I go in the elevator just as the door closes. Someone pushes his hands in the doors they open. Gibbs walks in he pushes the button, as the elevator starts to go up Gibbs pushes the emergency button. I slid down on the floor he comes down with me I put my head between my knees and start to cry. Gibbs Hugs into me.

Gibbs doesn't know this but Jenny and I talked on the phone a lot she was an adult I could talk to when I was a having a problem or when I was having a rough time dealing with the loss of my father.

I look at Gibbs he just nods and stands. Gibbs press the bottom the elevator doors open. We both step off the ground Gibbs has me sit at his desk then goes to work. He won't talk about it I know This is hitting him hard.

Its late I am end up laying on the floor to try to get some sleep I will probably not go to school tomorrow. Around 10:30 Gibbs walks back in the squad room and he wakes me up " hey it's time to go home " then Gibbs helps me up.

The drive home is silent when we get back to the house Gibbs and I look at each other we both sense someone is in the house. Gibbs pulls gun I pull out my pocket knife. A man steps out from the shadows.

Gibbs lowers his gun " damm it Mike what the hell I could have shot you " I look at Gibbs and lower my knife.

The man just looks at me then back up at Gibbs " when did you get a kid?" I raise my eyebrows. Gibbs rolls his eyes and looks at me " Jess this is Mike Franks he taught me everything I know" I just look at both men " I can't handle this tonight I am going to bed" and I walk up stairs for the night.

The next morning I get up to find Gibbs the Mike Franks sitting at the table eating cereal and drink coffee. "morning " Gibbs smiles " morning sweetheart teas in your blue mug and there's cereal and the table" I smile

I look at the two men " hey can I stay home from school today I can't deal with that right now." I ask Gibbs hates when I stay home. To my surprise he agrees. I looks at the stranger eating my cereal

Jessie ---  " ok who are you and why are you here anyway does this have to be with Jenny's death."

Gibbs --- " as I said last night this is Mike Franks he gave me my first job at NIS as it was called back then."

Jessie --- " oh that why I heard him call you probie last night."

Mike nods I turn to look at Mike

Jessie --- " ok Mike so are you here because of Jenny's death ? And don't it lie to me "

Mike smiles and looks at me

Mike ——" I like you kid and yes her death is the reason I am here"

Gibbs phone goes off " ok come on Mike time " as the pair walk out the door hug Gibbs " come safe please I can't handle losing someone else" Gibbs kisses me on the head " I will "

As the men leave I go up stairs and call my Ali. She comes over and skips school aswell. We stay home watch movies and talk. I hear some down stairs I know where Gibbs keeps his spare gun but it's in the living Ail hides  in the bathroom. I go down stairs to find Gibbs packing stuff in a bag. " what the hell Gibbs " he looks at me " sweetheart " I have to LA for a few days Ducky  will be keeping an eye on you he's going to come by later with some food, and your  going to school tomorrow ok " I look at him, he hugs me the leaves.

Gibbs call me every night to check on me. I am sitting on the couch think about how this week as me think my own dad. I make mental note to go see his grave when things clam down a bit.

It's six days later I am on the couch watching the news eating popcorn when the anchor say there's a fire in a Georgetown home and Jenny is the victim. I know that's not true, at the same time Gibbs walks in the door he puts his bag down. Gibbs sits on the couch hugs in to me " I love you kid" he says to I smile it's the first time I have heard him say that. I reply " love you too"  I don't ask about I saw on the new I know Gibbs would tell me if I needed to know.

I turn off the news and turn on a movie, we fall asleep on the couch.

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