Daniel ~•Whats That?•~

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Blaze and I were talking, mostly just about schoolwork and after school activities. I felt thirsty so i told blaze. I guess Blaze didn't know what i meant, because he smirked and said "For Me~". What? I tilted my head, confused. "Wha...? But... You aren't a Drink?" I said lightly. Blaze chuckled and shook his head. Did i make a joke..?

He grins and looks at me "Never mind, Your too Innocent." He told me. I glanced away and thought about what he said. Thirsty for... him? I felt a hand on my shoulder and i turned to Blaze, his blue and green eyes looking at me and smiling softly. I give a light smile.

Then he grins out of no where "Since you're WAYY to innocent, how about i teach you~?" He says. I give a small nod, I would like to understand him more. He starts to speak but the door bursts open and Alpha Aphmau runs in, A Brunet male and a White haired male followed behind

Aphmau gasped for Air "Bla..ze! Don't you....dare...Courrup...t Dan....Daniel" She breathed out. I frown and furrow my eyebrows "Corrupt? What does that..." The White haired guy laughed lightly "Don't worry about it. By the Way, I'm Travis, and this is Vylad" He motions to the Brunet. Vylad Waves and fixes his scarf.

Blaze chuckles and before i know it, he's getting pulled by Aphmau and left, the two other guys following. Dottie and Rylan rush in, Dottie clearly worried "Daniel! Oh my Irene are you alright? Did he hurt you in any way? Did He-" I giggle and stop her "Blaze didnt hurt me at all! He was sweet!" I told Dottie, smiling.

Dottie sighed in Reliefe "Oh Thank Irene... I didnt trust him. Before he came here I saw him talking to Alpha Ein..." Blaze was talking with Alpha Ein? Odd "I don't think he likes Alpha that much, with the way he talk about him, it was full of mean stuff.." I say. She smiles softly "He seems to really like you already... Just be careful" She told me. I frown "Of course he likes me.. If he didn't, why would he talk to me?"

She giggles and Rylan smiles lightly. Dottie grins at me "That's not what i mean Daniel. I'm meaning that he LIKES-Likes you!". My face feels hot as i tilt my head ".....Best friends?" I ask. She sighs and smiles, shaking her head. The Bell rings and i hop off the Table and we walk to class, apologizing for being late and taking our seats, talking and learning

But something was still on my mind...

What did Dottie mean though...?


Poor Daniel, So innocent ^3^

Word Count; 443words

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