Daniel ~•I knew..•~

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Hey look.. An Update..

I've decided to watch Aphmau and write this book. Make Fan-art and shit. So lets get on with this

Also B won, yay bececause blaniel for life


I found Blaze, Dottie, and Rylan talking. Oh no... Blaze. Not that i hated him! Hes my...my...boy friend... I walked up to them. "Hi guys" Dotties eyes averted to me "Whos Laurence?" She asked me. W-What?? How did she "Who. Is. Laurence?" She demanded. My ears went down, and i whimpered "H-He told me things..a-about blaze.. He-He uses people and thows them away.. which..i dont understand. How do you throw away someone?" I ask, confusion in my voice.

Blaze's eyes watered slightly. I felt bad. I almost believe-. Blaze walked up to me and hugged me. "I would never hurt you Dan.." He mumbles. I hug him back "I...Im sorry Blaze" I wispered. He hugged my tighter "Its okay Daniel." He said. I could see Rylan smile softly and Dottie's eyes, starry? Okay..

I pulled away and smile "Im supposed to meet Alpha Aphmau soon." I reply and walk away. I walk around before i hear whispered. I hide behind a bush and spot Alpha Ein and a orange haired Meif'wa. "Ein...What do you want" The Meif'wa mumbled. Ein frowned "Kai.." Kai was his name. I've heard of him

Blaze bared His teeth and Ein held up his hands, chuckling "Woah Woah~ Don't bare your Fangs! I was ju-" Dottie laughed "Oh really?! Don't act like you were hitting up that Orange Meif' wa boy." Aphmaus eyes lit up "Ein Likes Kai?!"

Eins eyes narrowed "I- No I don't!" He says and storms off.

Does Ein like Kai..? I continued to watch there conversation

"I saw you and Aphmau. Dont act like you like her!" Kai growled.

"I only like her because shes Alpha... And if she was a werewolf.." Ein murmered


"SO! Dont act like you want to take her human friend out!" Ein yelled.

"Shush!" Kai replied

"I like you Kai..." Ein whispered

"I'll see you later Alpha" Kai spit out, as he walked off.

What happened to those two..? And Ein is only using Alpha Aphmau? Im confused. I walk back and try to figure out what is happening...


Its short but i wanted to update for you all.

I love you my Pups 

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