Daniel ~•Best Friend•~

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It's been a week since Ein was nice to me. He's a really cool guy! Dottie and Rylan don't hang out with me... They think I'm stupid for hanging out with Ein.

Blaze don't hang out with me either

Ein, Jax, and Ryder are really nice to me. They teach me things, and how to act like them. It feels wrong, but it's nice. If someone bumped into be, I, or one of the guys, would tell him off.

I liked having these friends. Even though I was the Omega, I was...what was the word Ein said? Oh right! Re..respected!


I turn around to see Dottie. I smile "Dottie! Howdy!" I say. She stays emotionless "Why did you leave us?" She asked, her eyes sad. I frowned "I didn't leave you! You left me!"

Ein said Dottie and Rylan didn't like me because I was friends with him. Why would they not like me anymore?

She shakes her head "What Ein did to you was unforgivable. You shouldn't hang out wi-" i snarl, another thing Ein taighyed me to do "You can't tell me what to do..m...mutt!" I spit out.

Dottie laughs "See. Your his new lackey" she says as she shakes her head and walks off. Why...?

I frown and walk off, to find Ein. I bump into Jax. Jeez I'm bumping into people a lot. I laugh "Oh hey Jax!" I say. He smiles "Daniel! Hey! Looking for Ein?" I nod

"I saw him over here." I nod, and follow Jax, we talk about school and stuff. We see Ryder and Ein talking. Ein spots us and waves us over. I laugh and run to Ein and hug him "Ein!" He hugs back laughing "Hey Danny."

We start walking behind the school "G-Guys the bells about to ring!" I say standing up. Ein pulls me down "no. We're skipping today!"


Uh oh. I'm going to the dark side! Lets see. I'll let you guys decide what will happen. If someone took your idea, comment on their question. The most liked I'll see if I can fit that it!

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