Daniel ~•Whats Innocence•~

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When I woke up, I saw the I was in a bed. I felt a strong pair of arms wrapped around me. I turned around and I became face to face with Blaze. His soft breaths in and out, his eyes closed. Our noses were touching but I didn't mind

I smile as i stared at him.

He opened his eyes slowly "Hey Danny" he said. I smile "morning!" He kissed my nose and got up. I smile "what happened yesterday." He laughed softly "Halfway through the movie, you feel asleep. And I moved us to my bed" he said

I smiled "Cool. What time is it?" Blaze looked around "Uh... 7:56am" he said. I shot up "We need to get to school!!" Laughs "you know the doors open at 10:00 right? We have about 2 hours" he said. I shrug and grab my uniform.

I don't know how it's here but I don't question. I see that Blaze had also gotten dressed and I smile. I run outside and stare up at the sky. My ears are down and my tail goes right and left.

I love waking up to the morning sky. So everyday I just sit out here and look up. I noticed that Blaze sat behind me and I Laid down on his legs. He staring to play with my ears. I smile.

"It's 8:36. You wanna head out and grab some breakfast?" Blaze asks. I nod "Can we go to IHOP?!" I ask. It was my favorite place! He laughs and nods. We get in his car and drive to IHOP.

I get my usual order and he gets the same. We dig in and smile. After we eat, I run out to the car and blaze follows. We arrive at school and walk in



Sorry I'm in a good move.

You guys should give me ideas on what should happen.

Story's don't always end in a happy ending.

Should this book?

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