Daniel ~•I...•~

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I know I've changed.

I can go back..right?

I realized this last night. I'm a horrible friend. I don't understand a lot. But I know that I messed up. I called my best friend a mutt...

I ignored Blaze, and look where it got me. I'm best friends with the bullies of my school. I need to apologize, but will they accept.

I saw that Blaze, Dottie, and Rylan were talking. I walked up to them. Dottie glared at me "What do you want?" She hissed out.

I winced, my eyes already tearing up. Her gaze soften slightly. I had to say it "I-I..." I started crying. I felt a pair of strong arms warp around me. Blaze.

I needed to say something "I'm sorry! I-I'm a horrible Omega. I ditched my- My friends for Ein. I-I" I cried harder. Dottie shook her head "We forgive you"

I look up. What..? She smiled lightly "What you did was stupid, but your you Daniel...I don't mean to be mean, but your easily manipulated." I laugh softly, thought I don't understand what manipulated means.

I smile "C-Can I be your friend again?" I say.

She nods "As long as you don't hang out with Ein anymore" my heart stopped.. not..hang out with Ein? Yea he was a Bully, but he understood me-

I shook my head from that thought. Anything to get my friends back, I would do. I looked up at Dottie "O-Okay.." Rylan and Dottie hugged me and I hugged the three of my best friends.

Blaze's phone rang. "Oh hold on!" He answered his phone "Max? Hey Dude! Yea! I'm free? H-Huh? Y-You wanna..wanna go out? I-" wait what? Blaze blushed and smiled "Yes!"

Hold up...







Kidding, it will get better!

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