Blaze ~•I have to choose?•~

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Today was the day

My date with Max

I was nervous. So...So nervous. What if he changed his mine? What if suddenly, he thought my eyes were weird. What if he fell in love with someone else!

Shut up! It's just a date. Don't worry about it. I sighed and grabbed my everyday clothes. I texted Max

Blaze: Are you picking me up?

Max: yes babe, be there soon xo

Why was I blushing. I was supposed to be the dirty one. What's up with me lately. I guess ever since I stopped hanging it with the little Innocent werewolf, I stopped being a dirty guy.

I heard a car honk puts it and I opened the door. I closed it and ran to the car, sliding over the hood and getting into the passenger seat. Max laughed "Good job"

Our date consisted of dinner  and watching a movie at his house. He frowned and turned to me "I need you to do something for me." He said. Wait- What?

Max laughs "It's nothing bad. You just need to stop talking to Daniel" What?! Not talk to my- Not talk to The Innocent little werewolf? My eyes widen in shock "What?! But he's my friend!"

Max rolls his eyes "Friend. Yea. He has  a major crush on you. I can see it in the eyes. But your mine, and no one else's. So don't hang out with him."

I really like max. But ignore Daniel? I would have to ignore Dottie and Rylan. I don't think I can do this. I turn to the Werewolf and give him my answer

"I choose-"




MAX - A nice werewolf but can be a bitch

DANIEL - A Smol potato ^~^

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