Blaze ~Not a hard question~

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IK i just published chpt...12? idk, but I love this story

im horrible at writing so im surprised people are reading this


I frowned. This was going to hurt him so bad... I sigh and looked at max "I choose...Daniel" Max's eyes widen then narrow "What?!" He spits out. I nod "Yea. I really like Daniel. Sorry Max, maybe we can be good friends!" I say smiling. He laughs creepily "Sure....Friends" He says as he walks off. I shrug as i hear him leave.

I text Daniel

Blaze: Hey Danny <3 U busy?

Daniel: Uhhhh, no

Blaze: Kewl, wanna come over for sum Netflix and chill *winky face emoji* (Im writing on the laptop rn lolol)

Daniel: I LOVE NETFLIX! And i can...chill? like Chili? Man! I loooove chili!

Blaze: No-

Blaze: Ill make some Chili for you, okay?


Daniel: See chu soon Blazey ^^

Damn. The things Daniel does to me. Hes so fucking innocent its not even funny. I cook the Chili and sit down, waiting for my werewolf. My ears perk up as i hear the doorbell. "Come in!" I yell. Daniel walks in, and he's wearing my shirt (thats way to big for him) that i gave him a few weeks ago because he started hanging out with Ein.

I smiled brrightly "I have your chili, my dude! come one, sit down." I say, patting the spot in between my legs. He didnt hesitate, as he sat down. He grabbed the chili, put on this...uh...Fr-Frozen? and i wrapped my arms around him. He smiled "I...I like you blaze! I..I dont fully get it...But i think it means that..i...have.. fe-feeings for you."

I turn the blushing werewolf around, his legs wrapping around my waist. I smile as i kiss his nose "Well Good, I have feelings for you too. My Innocent Werewolf" I say, whispering. He smiles. I chuckle softly "Will you be my Boyfriend Daniel?" I say. He nods very fast. Hes so cute




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