Blaze ~•A Rival?•~

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After Aphmau pushed me out, She groans and looked at me "Stay away from Daniel, I don't want you to hurt him or break him." She tells me. Vylad nods and speaks up "I'm not familiar with most werewolves... But from Aph's Reactions, you shouldn't go near him.." He says

I chuckle and roll my eyes "Guys please, I wouldn't do anything Harmful to that Cutie~" I wave at them and stalk off. I walk walking before bumping into someone "Whoa! Sorry Dude-" The figure cut me off "Blaze, Right?!" The feminine voice asked me. I look at her and nod "Yep~ The one and only" I wink.

She scoffs "Stay. Away. From my Daniel!" She hisses at me. I take a good look at her. She has a bob cut, and It looks like her ears and tail are a bit roughed up. She has the Female Uniform, so she does go to this school.

I chuckle "Your Daniel? Cause when we were talking, He said he was single~" I told her

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I chuckle "Your Daniel? Cause when we were talking, He said he was single~" I told her. She growls "Hes. Mine." And then stalks away. I stare at confusion. I see the Red head from before and ran up to him "Uh Hey.. Do you know that girl who was just talking to me..?" I ask him

He semi-laughs "Her names Rosalina Loveless, but she insist on Rosie. Shes obsessed with Daniel, and is ve - ry possesive, as you just witnessed." He told me. I thank him and walk off. Rosie huh? I smirk, She doesn't have a chance. With my charm and sweet talk, I'll have Daniel wrapped around my finger and I'll be able to love him.

I spot Daniel and smile, walking up to him, Dottie, and Rylan. "Heyo Daniel. Dottie. Rylan" I greet them. Daniel's eyes light up "Blaze! Howdy!" He says and hug me. I hug back and chuckle. "Hey Blaze" Dottie says and Rylan waves.

"Hey Bla - ze!" Daniel tugged on my uniform. I looked down at the cute werewolf and his eyes sparkled "hm?" I ask. "Dottie, Rylan and I ware going to the Ice-Skating Rink! Wanna join us!". hm.. I'm not doing anything.. I shrug and nod "Sure, I'm down." I say smiling.

I feel a poke on my shoulder and I let go of Daniel and turn around, moving to the side so the others can see. I spot the werewolf from before... Rosie was her name... Rosie smiles big and her cheeks are tinted red. "Daniel~! Hi!" She says happily. "Howdy" Daniel said, a small smile on his lips.

She fidgets on her skirt "I overheard you and the others talking about going to the Ice-Skating rink and I... I wanted to know if I could join you." Daniel thinks for a moment and is about to speak, But Dottie cuts him off and gives a sharp glare at Rosie "Close Friends only Rosie." She growls, Her ears flattening.

Rosie flinches and frowns, about to speak again but I push her away, and lean in to her ear as we walk "Sorry Princess, Put Daniel already has a Prince~" And i walk back to the Group and grin "Whos ready?"


Hope you like the drawing of Rosie! It was just a quick one so really no shading. If you want a shaded version, tell me

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