Daniel ~•Alpha Alpha•~

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I told my friends goodbye, and we all went to class. I sat in the middle and doodled while the teach went on about physics. I sighed and let my mind wander.

My first thoughts were about Rosie. She always made me feel uncomfortable because she would be near me every single day. I would try and invite her to things (Well, she'd ask me if she could come with and i would've answers yes) but Dottie and/or Rylan would never allow it... Was it for the better?

Then i thought about Blaze. He was a great friend. He was....cute? I never really understood half of the things he said, but i didnt mind. He was fun to be around and made me feel funny. A Happy feeling of funny.

I was snapped out of my thoughts as i hear snapping "Omega Boy!" I hear someone growl. I looked up and my eyes widened in fear "H-Hi Alpha Ein.." I murmur. He laughs "Wheres your boyfriend?" He asked me. I tilt my head "Boyfriend...?" I ask him confused. He chuckles darkly "Blaze, you idiot."

My cheeks heat up "He's not my boyfriend.. We're friend" I look up at him and grin. Ein shakes his head "Poor little helpless Omega. Blaze wants to be your boyfriend.. Well, To be your boyfriend and then Break Your Heart." He muses. I give a soft frown "Blaze would never do that. He's my friend." I tell him.

Ein grinned and grabbing my uniform, holding me up and throwing me to a wall. Before i fell he pinned me against the wall, his face dangerously close to mine.

[action vvv]

My eyes filled with fear stared at Ein

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My eyes filled with fear stared at Ein. W-What was happening. His grey eyes scanned me "You know... For an Omega, Your cute... You know... If you-" He before he could finish his sentence, He was pushed away from me and on the floor.

I turned my head and saw Blaze. His eyes narrowed and a growl escaped from his lips. Ein got up and chuckled, brushing himself off and grinning at his "Well, Well, Well... If it isn't Prince Charming. Come to save the Princess, are we?" He teased.

Blaze scoffed "Just go Ein. No one wants you." Ein smirked and glanced at me "Whatever. Better watch your back Little Omega" And walked off. Blaze shook his head and walked over to me, placing a hand on my cheek "Are you alright Daniel?" He asked softly. I nod, silent.

I break into a smile and hug him "Thanks Blaze" I murmur into his uniform. He was hesitant but hugged back, placing his Chin on my Head. "You're adorable Daniel" He said softly. 

I smile back and pull away "ready for class?" I ask him. He nods "Yea Cutie, Yea i am." And we break apart, going to our seperate classes


I tried to make this adorable ;~;

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