Daniel ~•Do I love...•~

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He looked so scary back there... His eyes, they were...angry. The way he attacked Ein...

I ran to my secret hideout where Dottie and Rylan were already there. "Daniel?! W-What's wrong..?" Dottie hugged me.

I sniffed and told them everything. Dottie growled "WHERE IS HE. LEMME ATTEM-" I shushed her "Your gonna give our spot away!"

I frowned "He's scary....And..." Rylan spoke up, which was rare (In this Rylan rarely speaks). "Do you love him." My eyebrows furrowed. Love? Do I... Love him?

"What?" I say. Dottie snorts "Your too innocent.. Ah. Do you...how do I say this...like.. ah! Do you like like him" do I.... I...I do...

I mumble "I do..." Dottie smiles "Now go find him tiger!" She said and I nodded. I got up and ran through the school. I bumped into a male figure. I looked up to see Ein.

My ears went down and I squeaked "E-Ein!" I spit out. He smiled, and it looked genuine "Hey Daniel! L-Look. I'm sorry for the way I have.. acted towards you. I've been a bad Alpha, and Aphmau helped me realize that." He said.

Was this...real?

He smiled "I want to start hanging out with you! I can protect you from Blaze" he says smiling. Blaze...He could...protect me? I looked up at Ein and smiled softly "That would be nice..!"

He hugs me and it takes me a second to hug back. I push away quickly "But your Alpha! And I'm the Omega" he shrugs "Whatever. Don't worry about it" he says and grabs my hand.

We run off and I laugh. "Ein! Calm doowwwwn" I yell out. I see blaze in the corner of my eye. I can't tell what his emotions are, but I ignore it

Tempted to bring back the small Omega Ein. Just for some time: you know, so this book won't end quickly. Maybe Ein will fall for Daniel? Who knows!

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