*~Chapter I~*

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As much as he didn't want to believe it, he had to. (M/n) (L/n) was in Wonderland. Incredibly impossible to believe, but the humanoid rabbit in front of him gave him the very evidence of his situation.

Despite being fascinated by Alice in Wonderland when he was a child, as a grown up, he had to face reality than be barricaded in his room, reading fairytales. This was completely absurd if he was actually here. Then again, if he was a child, then he'd be more than happy to live here. He shook his head. He was in a dream. That had to be it. It just had to. Sighing, he decided to continue on to figure it out.

(M/n) had to confirm it was the White Rabbit in front of him. It was odd that instead of an actual white rabbit in a suit, it was this male with snow white hair, a pair of rabbit ears, fancy attire, and a rabbit tail. Curious, he reached out and tugged on the droopy ears, earning a surprised look.

The male chuckled and held my hands down, clasped in his own gloved ones. "Please don't pull on my ears. They tend to be sensitive," He gave him a soft smile. He stood up, letting go of his hands.

"I am Alistair Rabbit, known as the White Rabbit here in Wonderland. Pleasure to make your acquaintance." Alistair introduced himself, bowing in a formal way.

(M/n) was reluctant to tell him his name. He backed away for a bit, trying to collect his thoughts. Alistair looked at him before chuckling, realizing the situation. "I see. You're not familiar with your surroundings, are you? Are you new?" He asked curiously.

"It was obvious from the start..." (M/n) mumbled to himself, pulling the sheets closer to his body. It still hurt moving his body. Alistair chuckled once again. "My apologies. If you want, I'll be glad to show you around after I attend the Red Queen's court~" He mused.

(M/n) didn't answer. He was still in denial he was here. And that feeling in his hands-when Alistair touched them-it was still lingering. If he was able to touch him, and he was able to feel so much pain, then that means...he really was in Wonderland. He was in the very fantasy Alice had gone through. Only...some minor changes have been added.

Alistair stood straight, digging in his pocket and brought out a pocket watch. "Oh! Look at the time! My apologies but I will have to leave. Red Queen will sentence my head off. Anyway, I do hope you'll be comfortable in my humble home. I will arrive back 5 o' clock sharp!" He said before turning his heel and walking towards the door.

"Wait-!" (M/n) called out, making Alistair turn in surprise. The (H/c) haired male looked down, suddenly bashful. "It's (M/n). (M/n) (L/n)."

The rabbit smiled softly. "The pleasure is all mine." With that, he opened the door and left.

After being clouded by doubt and confusion, (M/n) didn't get to actually perceive his surroundings. The walls were painted white and many shelves were adorned there. The floor were wood and were the color of bricks. A bookshelf laid dormant in the corner of the room, many thick hard cover books arranged in genre order. Beside him, a bedside table was there. There were papers scattered on it while a fancy gold decorated lamp was on the side. There was also a wardrobe on the side opposite to the bookshelf.

The bed he was on was incredibly soft that you can almost sink in its softness. The pillows were fluffy too. (M/n) sighed and decided to take a look around. He kicked his feet off to the edge of the bed and stood up, the bed post as his support.

Come to think of it, he was wearing new clothes. For the top, he was wearing an oversized buttoned up shirt and for the bottom, pajama pants that were too long for his feet. (M/n) scratched his head. "How am I going to walk in this getup?"

He decided to go forward and down the stairs. He was met with a warm and cozy atmosphere in the living room. To the right, it seems that it was the entrance to the kitchen and to the left, it was either a closet or the front door. Decorations and framed paintings were hung on the wall, each with its own precision and beauty.

Broken Pocket Watch // Alice in Wonderland X Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now