[8] *~Alistair's Route~*

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'Oh dear.' Alistair felt his throat go dry as (M/n) tightened his grip on his attire. They were right beside one another and they were at least five feet off the ground, carried by the castle's servants. He wasn't joking when he said this ride was going to be bumpy. (M/n) kept bouncing and he had to hold onto Alistair to keep himself from falling from such a height.

Alistair wrapped an arm around him, gaining his attention. He could already feel the heat rise to his pale cheeks. "I think this might be a more effective way to keep you from falling," He concluded, trying his best not to glance at his direction. (M/n) felt a light pink hue dust his face as he stifled a laugh.

Soon, they arrived at the dining room that was already filled with delicious and fragrant food. The servants carefully put them down and bowed. Alistair smiled at them and bowed as well. "Thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen."

Lukas was already on the head chair, an excited expression lighting his face. (M/n) stood there, mouth agape. He's never seen so much food before his very eyes. He usually imagined what it'd be like to see a dining table stocked with food, and now he was standing before a top class table and a full course buffet.

"Well then? Take a seat~!" Lukas offered with open arms. (M/n) unconsciously took Alistair's hand and they ran towards one of the many unoccupied chairs. He took a seat close to Lukas and beside Alistair. He felt so giddy about this occasion that his cheek muscles might hurt from his smiling.

Lukas grinned at this. "Eat anything you like. You're a valued guest~" He said before patting his head. (M/n) looked at him, his eyes sparkling. "Thank you!"

His Majesty felt a bright red hue appear on his cheeks before laughing. Meanwhile, Alistair sat awkwardly in his own seat. (M/n) noticed his situation and scooped a portion of some Caesar salad. He lightly patted his shoulder and gained his attention.

"Say 'Aah!'" He directed, holding up the spoonful of salad. Alistair felt a new shade of red bloom on his face as he hesitantly opened his mouth. 'It's so embarrassing to be fed by a guest...!'

(M/n) grinned as he victoriously managed to make Alistair eat. He placed some more Caesar salad on a plate of porcelain and handed it to Alistair, who was still red as Lukas's clothes.

"Hm...are you sure Alistair's hasn't laid a finger on you?" Lukas squinted his eyes, rubbing his chin as if he had a goatee. (M/n) tilted his head in confusion. "What do you mean, Your Majesty?"

"L-LUKAS!" Alistair slammed his hands on the table, wide eyed and completely red. Lukas pointed a finger at him. "Table manners, Alistair."

The rabbit flinched before sighing. "Y-Yes, Your Majesty. May I use the comfort room for a minute?" He asked for permission, awaiting approval. Lukas recomposed himself and gave him a small smile. "You may, Alistair."

(M/n) watched as Alistair walked out of the dining room, head laying low and hands clasped on his front. His eyebrows furrowed in worry. "You mustn't worry, he's just embarrassed. And, I may have overdid my teasing." His Majesty let out a sigh as he rubbed the back of his neck.

(M/n) pursed his lips before standing up. "I'll be right back, Your Majesty."


Alistair took off his milky white gloves and rolled up his sleeves. Slowly, he turned the knob of the sink and scooped a handful of water. He splashed it on his face and turned off the water. "Really, that Lukas knows no bounds..."

His ears perked up when he heard the door creak open. (M/n) peeked in, expression revealing worry. "Alistair?"

Alistair's eyes widened before rolling down his sleeves and putting his gloves back on. "H-How did you find where the comfort room was?" He asked.

(M/n) jabbed a finger behind him. "Some servants gave me directions. Alistair, are you okay?" He asked, letting himself in. Alistair chuckled nervously before waving his hand in dismissal.

"I'm fine, really. Just, very flustered..." He fumbled with his fingers nervously as he took new interest in his shoes. (M/n) walked towards him and placed the back of his hand on his forehead. His eyes widened. "You're heating up! Are you sure you're okay?!"

"I'm okay, (M/n)! Really!" Alistair reassured him, waving his hands frantically to indicate his condition is fine. (M/n) pouted before mumbling an 'okay...'

'He was worried about me! So cute~!' The rabbit couldn't restrain the smile appearing on his face. He took the smaller male's hand, catching his attention. "Shall we go back?"

"Sure," (M/n) returned the smile and they went out the comfort room, hand in hand. Every room in the castle was so enormous that (M/n) felt as if he were a tiny mouse or an ant. He took a speeding glance at Alistair, who apparently did the exact same action. Their eyes met for a single second before they faced front once again.

They arrived once again at the dining room where Lukas was waiting patiently. He smirked when he saw them holding hands, but quickly dismissed the thought of teasing Alistair once more.

"Alistair," He called out, causing the rabbit to flinch. "I sincerely apologize for teasing you." He said, intertwining his fingers together. He was genuinely guilty for doing such a thing to his friend. Wide eyed, Alistair stood frozen from his sudden apology. But then he erupted into laughter and smiled. "I accept your apology, but seriously, that tone doesn't suit you! Haha!"

Immediately, Lukas was as red as his clothing. "I'm trying to be genuine here!" He complained. Alistair's laughing reduced to giggles.

After that, they finally finished eating lunch and all three of them managed to keep up a small conversation. Alas, the clock struck and it echoed throughout the castle, declaring the end of noon. Lukas clasped his hands together.

"Alistair, do you wish to go home with (M/n)? I don't have much to attend to today so I suggest you go home and rest." He said, smiling at his dear friend.

"But Your Majesty, what about your paperwork and inspection on the Royal Military Brigade?" Alistair asked worriedly.

"I finished all of that early morning. I cleared today's schedule to spend time with you and (M/n)! And truly, I missed back when we spoke this casually and not about our duties. Being an adult gives you an uncomfortable and painful feeling in your back." To show his point, Lukas arched his back and sighed.

"With that aside, I hope to see you again tomorrow, Alistair~ And (M/n)," He took one of his small hands and placed a gentle kiss on his knuckles. "Lovely meeting you today~" (M/n) felt his entire face go red as he tried to steady his beating heart.

They were led back to the front entrance by Lukas, who bid them farewell by the gate. "Get back home safe, okay?" He added before the carriage arrived.

"Okay!" Alistair and (M/n) said simultaneously. And soon, they were on their way back to Alistair's home. (M/n) leaned back and gazed out the window, enjoying the scenery unravelling as they moved. "His Majesty was quite fun to be around."

"Lukas has always been like that since we were children. He was nice, helpful, optimistic, and a great leader. I didn't follow him because he was the son of the previous queen, I followed him because he made me feel like I was acting my part. I was a cog that fit in his machine." Alistair explained, a small smile appeared on his angelic like features.

"Alistair, do you like Lukas?" (M/n) questioned with curiosity. The rabbit's eyes softened. "I don't like him in a way a lover does. I admire his leadership and right conduct. It's the same with his personality. He's always so positive and ready to help. It's rather infectious, I must say." He let out a laugh.

(M/n) stared at Alistair intently. The way he talked about Lukas made him seem such a good guy. Truly, this Wonderland seems much more bent than it original counterpart. Yet, it was much more peaceful. And much more fun to find out how this will unfold.

He wondered if he could find the right machine he'd fit in perfectly.

//A little bit shorter than the previous chapter but hey, at least an update -w- Sorry if this one seems more reliant on Lukas, I like his character >w< But I promise the next chapter will have more interaction with Reader-chan ;w; Anyways, May the gay be with you -3-//

Broken Pocket Watch // Alice in Wonderland X Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now