[9] *~Alistair's Route~*

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Alistair opened the front door and looked at (M/n) softly. "Do you wish to change into casual clothes? I may have a simple shirt and some shorts from when I was younger," He offered, giving him his kind smile as usual. In truth, Alistair wanted to buy (M/n) some clothing because it was rather embarrassing for him to keep letting him wear his clothes from when he was merely a child. He didn't want to give (M/n) the idea that he was...well, small. Small enough to fit in his clothes from when he was younger.

(M/n) nodded and Alistair led him towards his bedroom. But, they were met with an unlikely sight.

Chess snored on Alistair's bed, leg dangling off the edge. From the looks of it, he was dead tired and he wasn't going to be waking up any sooner.

Alistair pinched the bridge of his nose. "Of course, one buffoon comes another. I just want to be with (M/n) in peace..." He sighed in irritation. He took in what he just said and suddenly blew a fuse. He darted his eyes towards (M/n)'s direction. "I-It's not like I'm being possessive of you or anything! I just want to get to know you more! Hehe..."He waved his hands frantically.

(M/n) blinked before laughing. The rabbit looked away, his face an incredibly deep shade of red. 'He must think I'm weird now...' He recomposed himself before taking hold of his hand into his. "We should get you changed now. I also have to change clothes because I cannot have my uniform be dirtied for The Red Queen's court tomorrow."

"Dirtied?" The (H/c) haired male wondered, looking at Alistair's ruby eyes for answers. They gleamed as Alistair gave him a confectionery smile. "We'll be making cookies today~" He mused happily. One thing Alistair loved asides reading was baking. Confectioneries always delighted him to the very core.

Chess awoke from his slumber and yawned, stretching his back. "Good afternoon, Chess!" (M/n) greeted, waving cheerfully. The cat swished his tail side to side before waving back lazily. "Hey."

"Oh good, and I thought you'd never wake up, Chess." Alistair sighed as he placed his hands on his hips. Chess yawned one last time before making his way towards (M/n) and hugged him. "You'd make a great pillow, you know that?" He said, resting his chin on (M/n)'s head.

"Chess, that is in no way how you treat a guest!" Alistair practically screeched. This feline seriously does not know how privacy works! Oh, how he became friends with him, he didn't know. (M/n)'s cheeks were tinted with pink as he smiled. "It's okay, Alistair. I'm fine with it! I've never received such a compliment like that." He giggled.

Alistair felt his chest tighten as he looked down in shame. "O-Oh, uhm, pardon my sudden outburst..." His voice grew small as he rubbed the back of his neck. To suddenly lose composure like that...it wasn't like him.

"Hey Al, I overheard you say you were going to make cupcakes. Can I help?" Chess's tail swayed side to side in amusement. Alistair looked at him before sighing. "First of all, we're making cookies, not cupcakes. Second, alright. But could you please let go of (M/n)?"

"Okay~ I didn't expect this jealousy to be over the limit~ So interesting~" Chess gave him his trademark smile and let go of (M/n), who was confused by the event unfolding before him. Alistair pouted adorably. "I wouldn't hesitate smacking you over the head with a thick covered book, you know!"

"You're adorable, Al~" The cat laughed as he patted the rabbit, who was fuming but it still looked so adorable. "Hmph, turn that ear to ear grin upside down, you troublesome cat. I'm going to change as well as (M/n). Can you please wait for us in the living room as we change into more suitable clothing?"

"Roger that, Mr. Rabbit," Chess mock saluted before giving (M/n) a flirtatious wink and going out the bedroom door. Alistair smiled nervously at (M/n). "I apologize for our bickering. Now, let's change our clothes~"

Broken Pocket Watch // Alice in Wonderland X Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now