*~Chapter 4~*

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(M/n) was beginning to adapt to the environment as the ticking of the clock passed by. The flowers were singing in chorus as they were closing in on the Teacup Garden. They were familiar to his imagination because of the countless times he had read the fairytale. The roses were in heavenly harmony as well as the lilies.

On a purple willow tree, was a sign bolted on its trunk. Its arrow was pointing toward the left and said, "This way to Teacup Garden!"

Immediately after turning left, (M/n) could hear the faint sounds of tableware clattering and ceramic shattering. Even the path they were walking on had some scattered ceramic shards on the sides. "Be careful, some of those shards are especially sharp," Alistair warned.

A patch of multicolored flora opened the way to a dinner table littered with utensils, tea cups, tea pots, plates, saucers, containers, various kinds of desserts, etc. There were so much stuff littering the table that it was almost impossible to name all the items that were entangled into each other.

A male with brown bunny ears was cheering as he watched two males—presumably Allan and Chess— chasing each other throughout the garden with teacups while another male with mouse ears was snoring peacefully as if there wasn't a feud happening right now.

(M/n) was appalled by what was unravelling in front of him. Yes, he knew that in the story, the tea party was a mess, but he didn't realize it was this much of a mess. Alistair sighed. "As usual, the tea parties you host are a mess, Allan..."

The male who was chasing Chess around with a teacup turned to the direction of Alistair's voice. His face brightened as he threw the teacup behind his back, shattering it into pieces.

The male had lustrous blond hair and luminescent emerald eyes. The smile playfully dancing on his thin lips was almost infectious. He wore the signature top hat. Only that, the ribbon wrapped around it was checkered black and white and tucked safely under the ribbon were playing cards. He wore a dark green tailcoat with a white frilled shirt underneath, an emerald broche, and a pair of white gloves. He also wore dark pants etched with lines and charms were dangling off his belt. He also wore brown boots.

The Hatter arrived in front of them, took his hat off in greeting, and bowed. "Al! It's been a while~!"

"We were only having a conversation yesterday..." Alistair stated, crossing his arms. The other male placed a finger over his lips and thought. "Perhaps you are correct!" His eyes wandered over to (M/n), who flinched.

"And who might you be, newcomer?" He asked as politely as possible. Shifting uncomfortably, (M/n) fixated his gaze on a broken pot on the ground. Alistair took this upon himself and introduced him.

"This, my dear friend, is (M/n) (L/n). This is the first wanderer who was intrigued enough to tour around Wonderland with me as his guide!"

"Oh!" He said. "Very well then, my name is Allan Byrile, known as The Mad Hatter in Wonderland! Pleasure to make your acquaintance," Allan gently took (M/n)'s hand and gave him a featherlight kiss on his knuckles. A pink hue spread across (M/n)'s face as the Hatter parted.

"Hey Hatter!" Chess called out. He threw a teacup towards his direction and Allan swiftly dodged with a crouch. He stood up and fixed his top hat. "You might need to get your eyes checked because that was a terrible angle, you feline."

The brown bunny eared male giggled uncontrollably while the mouse eared male simply chuckled. Allan's emerald eyes shimmered as an idea arrived in his train of thoughts. He quickly took (M/n)'s hands and led him to a seat. "Since we have a newcomer to our tea party, let's give him a very happy unbirthday!" He cheered, holding up a cup full of tea.

Broken Pocket Watch // Alice in Wonderland X Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now