*~Chapter 5~*

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//My son Alistair is so adorable in this (;//w//;)//

(M/n) had a firm grip on Alistair's sleeve as they waded through the crowds of various types of species. Many alluring signs were hung over the doorways of many of the stores. The glass windows were the home of many peculiar displays such as a carved dragon head, a candy cane with a top hat and cane dancing to jazz, a battle between a horse fly and a dragon fly (they were legitimately a horse and a dragon), and some too weird to go into detail.

Some of the passersby were gazing suspiciously at (M/n), which was immensely disturbing him. He held onto Alistair's sleeve so tightly he thought he might rip the fabric off. This caused Alistair to glance at him worriedly. "Are you okay, (M/n)?"

"The stares..." (M/n) hid his face against Alistair's arm, hoping it'll attract far less attention. This reminded him too well of what had happened before. He took shaky breaths as his whole body trembled in fear. He could almost feel the world drop in temperature. Shadows began forming in the very corners of his glassy eyes. Just when he thought the past couldn't catch up to him...

A warm sensation reached his hand. Very slowly, it coursed through his body, dissipating the shadows that kept appearing. It wrapped around his hand protectively as he finally managed to open his eyes.

It was Alistair's hand. It was interlocked securely with his. A smile grazed on his face as he gently combed (M/n)'s hair with his other hand. "We're here."

Glassy (E/c) eyes were directed towards a wooden door in front of them. It was made of birch wood and was delicately painted with many designs such as flowers, royalty, and children playing. At the very middle, was a plaque that said:

Tweedle Dee's and Tweedle Dum's Knick Knack Emporium

"Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum have the wackiest contraptions throughout Wonderland. They're also as wacky as their contraptions, so you might need to ready yourself for flying mice or syrup blasts. Shall we go inside then?" Alistair very lightly squeezed (M/n)'s hand, indicating permission to escort him inside.

(M/n) managed a little smile and nodded his head in approval. Alistair pushed open the door, the bells in the upper left side jingling a tune.

"Wow..." Dreamcatchers hung on almost every corner of the store, their multicolored beads glimmering from the light emanating from outside. The shelves were incredibly littered with various extraordinary and bizarre items. Some examples were a cuckoo clock but instead of a cuckoo, it was a wolf howling. And the thing that makes it extraordinary that it was an actual mini wolf and not a built in wood carving (which slightly frightened Alistair). Then there was a glass skull communicating with an enchanted teacup and then beside one of the shelves was a rocking chair decorated with spikes and spears. (M/n) was entirely sure he wouldn't be sitting in that chair anytime soon.

Upon hearing the alarm, two identical males stood from the counter, wearing matching uniforms emblazoned with heart symbols. They both had messy dark raven hair and dark violet eyes. The smiles plastered on their faces were a mirror image to each other. The only difference, however, the signs—supposedly tattoos—on their hands. One was on the left hand and one was on the right. They tipped their berets in synchronization.

"Welcome to Tweedle Dee's and Tweedle Dum's Knick Knack Emporium! Where all your wacky and peculiar needs are fulfilled!" They spread their arms out in greeting. The twin on the right raised his eyebrow and grinned. "Well looky here! Well if it ain't Alistair Rabbit~! Who's that there? Your lover?" He asked with a teasing tone.

Upon hearing the term 'lover', Alistair's face bloomed a new shade of red. He waved his hands in disapproval. "Y-You're mistaken! He is my friend, (M/n) (L/n)! We're just looking around Wonderland so he can become acquainted with his surroundings!"

Broken Pocket Watch // Alice in Wonderland X Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now