[15] *~Alistair's Route~*

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(M/n) laid on the wine hued couch, staring aimlessly at the ceiling. Alistair already went to the castle to perform his duties, and he was left to take charge of the house. After their little fairy tale share, Alistair told him to help himself to anything in the house. Though since (M/n) had a sense of privacy, he didn't bother looking through his private things. He wasn't like that.

"I guess I should read those books I borrowed from the library. I'm too scared to bring them back on my own, so I'll ask Alistair if he can return them for me." (M/n) said to himself, sitting up.

He glanced at his hand. He clenched it, then unclenched again. There was some kind of memory that was itching at his brain that he couldn't remember no matter how hard he tried. And it involved this lingering feeling in his hand.

(M/n) stood up and decided to get the books, when a knock caught his attention. "Alistair, are you home?" A familiar graceful voice called out. Blinking, (M/n) walked towards the door and opened it to reveal Allan.

Emerald eyes immediately fixated on the person before them, A smile made its way on the hatter's lips. "Why, it's nice to see you again, (M/n)! How have you been?" Allan asked.

(M/n) smiled back at him bashfully. "Mr. Allan, hello! I've been okay, hehe." He rubbed the back of his neck before lacing his fingers together. "So, why do you seek for Alistair?"

"Oh, I was going to ask him if he has my spell bo-I MEAN! M-My cook book, yes!" Allan sputtered with his words before sweating nervously. (M/n) tilted his head adorably before standing to the side.

"Very well, you're welcome to come in." He said before letting Allan in and closing the door. He could've sworn he heard him say spell before changing it to cook book. But he didn't want to push him into telling him so he merely kept quiet.

"So, have you started to enjoy Alistair's hospitality?" Allan sat down on the couch before crossing his legs formally. (M/n) accompanied him on the couch. "Well yes. Not only that, we kinda slept together last night." A small chuckle emanated from his throat.

"So, how was it like?" Stars twinkled in Allan's eyes as he leaned closer towards him, the topic piquing his interest. A rosy hue came about (M/n)'s face as he averted his gaze. "Well, I was really thankful he had agreed to sleep with me. I've been under a lot of mental stress lately, so it's comforting to be in his embrace. I slept like a baby last night so I'm okay right now~"

Allan had a smirk on his face. "Is that so~" He rested his chin on his palm. "It must be nice to have Alistair, don't you think? He's incredibly nice, easy to tease, intelligent, gentle, caring, and he makes delicious confectioneries~ He'll listen to anything you say, and I don't mean ordering him around, I mean he will listen to your problems and comfort you. Having him, gosh, you must be blessed." Allan stated, closing his shining emerald eyes.

"Do you like him, (M/n)?" (M/n) raised an eyebrow at the question. "Why would I not? He's a very nice frie-"

"No, no, no! I mean the different way! The tingly feeling you get in your heart when you see him." It took him a while to process the statement. A few more seconds passed before a red hue blossomed on his face.

"I-I merely think of him as a friend! I-I'm not exactly ready or fit to...you know? And besides, I don't really know if he even considers me a compatible partner..."

A loud laugh came from his mouth as Allan had a big smile on his face. Though, (M/n) didn't know the cause of that smile. He felt a hand rest on his shoulder.

"Have you not been getting the signs? The rosy cheeks, the flustered attitude, the way he keeps glancing at you, the way he stutters when he talks about you. It all screams love! Can't you see why he's always blushing when he sees you? Oh dear, my child has grown up." Allan faked crying as he wiped a nonexistent tear from his eye.

Broken Pocket Watch // Alice in Wonderland X Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now