*~Chapter 3~*

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The dawn arrived with the pleasant singing of birds as sunlight seeped through the windows, showering the room with light. Eyes fluttering open, (M/n) stared ahead, hands clasped over his chest.

Magically, he didn't get any bad dreams last night, which relieved him to the core. He got nightmares so often that having no dreams or good dreams were a rare occasion. He sat up, his hair swerving in all kinds of directions. He heard the door click and he almost jumped.

Alistair came in with a plate in hand which released a delicious aroma. He was wearing a light blue button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and dark brown pants. The scent was making (M/n) drool, and the rabbit couldn't help but laugh. "You must be hungry."

He hasn't eaten at least once yesterday. Now his stomach was begging to be fed. Alistair sat down beside the bed. "Are you sure you can eat by yourself?" He asked, genuinely concerned.

(M/n) pouted. "I'm not a kid, Alistair. Also I'm perfectly fine now!"

A red hue bloomed on Alistair's face as he looked away. "O-Oh, I-I'm dearly sorry. It's just that I'm used to serving visitors and the Red Queen so...uhm...it's a habit..." His ears drooped in a cute manner. The (H/c) haired male couldn't help but sigh. He gave him a caring smile.

"It's okay, Alistair. It's nothing to worry about! That just means you respect them. So no need to be sorry, okay?" (M/n) reassured him while softly patting his shoulder. The rabbit's ear perked up and he smiled. "Thank you very much for understanding my habits..."

The two engaged in a small and nice conversation as (M/n) started eating. It was comforting, to say the least. He'd never felt so...secure before. The clock chimed, signalling it was 7:00 in the morning. It caught both of their attention.

"Oh, would you like me to tour you around Wonderland? Today, the Red Queen is letting me rest so I'm free to do anything I want," Alistair asked, glee twinkling in his eyes.

"Sure," (M/n) answered with a gentle and calm smile. He was still confused and slightly uncomfortable with his new surroundings, but since Alistair will be there to guide him, he reassured himself that this tour around Wonderland will be fine. Alistair's smile could almost blind a crowd of people. He clasped his hands over (M/n)'s. "I'm so glad! I will not disappoint such a visitor as you!"


Alistair went downstairs to clean (M/n)'s platter while (M/n) was picking a choice of clothes. Alistair offered three sets that were still a bit too large for his body.

The first outfit was a soft cotton shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and black pants accompanied with boots. The second outfit was a frilled vanilla colored shirt decorated with tiny ribbons on each sleeve with short overalls (but it still reached his knees), striped stockings and a pair of small brown shoes (Alistair stated this outfit was when he was younger). The third outfit was a simple white linen shirt over a faded red jacket, dark brown pants and leather shoes.

The second one was the one that fitted (M/n) the most so he decided to go with it despite the stockings. After changing, he looked deeply at the full body mirror, show casing the outfit on him. Hm, it didn't look too bad. The door creaked open and Alistair came in, his kind smile adorning his face. "Shall we go then?"

They exited out the house with Alistair keeping his house keys in his pocket. The refreshing breeze blew through the front yard. (M/n) has never seen the outside of the house so he held his breath. Birds were singing a melody and the front yard had a garden planted with many healthy vegetables, the majority of which are carrots.

They walked through a grove of trees that were blooming with alluring flowers. Hushed whispers were heard throughout the pathway. With a puzzled look, (M/n) tugged on Alistair's shirt, earning his attention. "Are the trees speaking, perhaps?"

The rabbit chuckled. "They're very happy to see a newcomer in Wonderland so they begin to chatter a lot," He explained. Coming to understand why, (M/n) looked ahead with a smile. He was glad Alistair was with him. If he wasn't, he'd either go mad or cry.

In the far distance, a wooden house was in view. It looked old yet sturdy. Its faded purple complexion and tilted roof was the most noticeable thing in the house. On the porch, was a sign that said, "Home of Cheshire Cat. Don't bother coming in, I'm right behind you!"

Curious, (M/n) turned around and was indeed met with the same cat with the ear to ear grin. He jumped and unconsciously hid behind Alistair, who laughed. "Many who come across Chess's house always have to ready their selves from an assault from Chess himself."

"And alas! I have struck again!" Chess laughed in triumph, his tail swishing left to right. (M/n) calmed his heart down and went beside Alistair once again. "Are you two going to the Capital?"

"The Capital?" (M/n) wondered. Alistair provided his answers. "It's the heart of Wonderland. It's where most of the merchants and residents are found. It is also the place where the castle of the Red Queen resides."

This was new. He didn't even know Wonderland could have a capital! But that aside, he guessed that's the first place they would go if they were to tour around Wonderland.

Alistair then looked at Chess with gleaming eyes. "And yes, that is our destination for now. I want (M/n) to be acquainted with Wonderland so he can enjoy his stay here." He stated, patting the said boy's head.

Chess flashed his canines-or felines?-and placed a hand on his hip. "Very well. I would love to tag along but I have some business to attend to. And by business, it means going to Teacup Garden and pester Allan. Anyway, I hope you two have fun with each other!" With a wink and wave, Chess disappeared in an instant, leaving a wide eyed (M/n) and a smiling Alistair.

"Wow..." (M/n) exhaled before shaking off his surprise. Alistair on the other hand, crossed his arms and sighed. "A troublemaker, that guy...I'm just glad he and Allan are friends."

"Uhm," (M/n) tapped Alistair's shoulder, whom in return, turned to his direction. "Mind me asking, but who is Allan?" He was guilty in the slightest because of his many questions. But Alistair didn't mind. He instead smiled and placed his hands on his waist.

"Ah, another troublemaker. Allan goes by another name, which is The Mad Hatter. He is usually accompanied by March Hare and Dormouse at the Teacup Garden."

(M/n) nodded in understanding. Ah, looks like he found out about the Mad Hatter sooner than he thought. Alistair flicked open his pocket watch and then gazed at him. "Many of the stores open at around eight, so we still have plenty of time to look around before we arrive at the Capital. So, do you wish to find out who Allan is?" He offered.

"That would be nice," (M/n) gave him a genuine smile and Alistair returned the gesture. "Very well, let's go to the Mad Hatter's tea party."

Broken Pocket Watch // Alice in Wonderland X Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now