*~Chapter 6~*

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"(M/n), could you please tell me what the next ingredient we need is?" Alistair said, gently smiling at the smaller male as he held the paper bag in his arms, bringing it close to his chest.

(M/n) was astounded by Alistair's beautiful handwriting. He got sidetracked a tiny bit and looked directly at Alistair's hopeful red orbs. Alistair seemed to understand his situation and laughed quietly. "I said, could you please tell what the next item is?"

His face burst into color as he quickly scanned the small list in his hands. Currently, the items they have already bought were: Mushrooms (Specifically, not the ones that will enlarge your body), light cream, two crying onions (He personally feared they'd scream once a knife cut into them, but Alistair reassured him the onions will no longer cry or gain consciousness once dipped in water), and a pack of flour. They still have some missing ingredients, and the next ingredient they needed to get was vampire garlic, which was basically garlic dyed red.

"Uhm, vampire garlic." (M/n) replied, folding the paper into a little square and tucking it into his shorts pocket. Alistair checked if any of the vegetable stalls surrounding them had any vampire garlic. Near from where they were standing, he found what they were looking for and lightly tapped (M/n)'s shoulder, signalling him that that's where they needed to go. In less than thirty seconds, they arrived at their location. The sales lady was a large grizzly bear that greeted them with a toothy grin. "Good morning! What can I get you two?"

"Hmm..My, what a fine array of vampire garlic! I'm apologize if I take a bit too long to pick, I have a guest and I want to make some lovely cream of mushroom," Alistair said, chuckling slightly. The lady waved a hand. "No pressure! Pick the one that you think suits the most~"

'It's nice seeing him getting along with most of the people we encounter.' (M/n) smiled slightly. He sighed as he sweatdropped. 'Why does it feels like our roles switched for a second there...'

"(M/n)?" The rabbit's familiar voice resonated inside his ears, capturing his attention. "Behind us, there's a store that sells lovely ground nutmeg. Could you please buy some while I pick out some garlic?" He politely requested, placing a gentle amount of coins on his hands. The (H/c) haired male nodded and smiled before making his way to the store.


"Okay, I got it." (M/n) grinned to himself as held the small paper bag in his hand. The one he bought was a plastic container so he need not worry about it spilling any of the spice. Across the road of swarming creatures, Alistair stood by the same stall much earlier, gleefully chatting with the sales lady. "All I have to do is go through that crowd and-" Before he managed to finish his sentence, a black cat swiped the paper bag out of his hands and ran into the alleyway beside the store. "Hey!" He ran after the cat in hot pursuit.

Alistair glanced worriedly at the store. (M/n)'s been there for quite a while. Perhaps he had been trying to pick the correct type of nutmeg? Despite the though, he was overwhelmed with worry as he bid farewell to the generous sales lady and headed to the store.

Meanwhile, (M/n) had lost sight of the cat and doubled over, catching his lost breath. What was he going to do? Will Alistair be disappointed in him? He clutched his head. "Ugh, darn cat! How am I going to explain this to Alistair?" He let out a deep sigh. The money Alistair gave him was enough for that one container. He felt his chest tighten in guilt.

Then all of a sudden, he felt the temperature drop. The atmosphere darkened. His heart was drumming in his ears. He couldn't move a single muscle.

'W-What's happening? I can't move-' Then freezing chills crawled up his spine like insects. He felt someone breathe against his ear. Then they spoke. The voice was male, deep and rich.

Broken Pocket Watch // Alice in Wonderland X Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now