*~Chapter 2~*

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Once again, his mind was overrun with anxious voices.

"You have to hurry up or they'll catch you again."

"Maybe it's time to move."

"I wish Mother and Father were here."

"Get to sanctuary soon."

"Wait—are those footsteps?"

"Oh god, hurry up, get back home immediately—"

"(M/n)? Is there something the matter?" (M/n)'s eyes snapped open upon hearing the familiar voice. He took a shaky breath, not knowing he was holding it in. The ruby red eyes he'd seen much earlier stared deeply into his (E/c) one with waves of worry.

(M/n) blinked. He was still...here. Alistair was kneeling beside him, his ears twitching nervously. Looking outside the window, he figured the sun had just set. He felt a weight on his hand and his eyes darted to its direction.

Alistair's gloved hand was clasped over his. Their eyes met, but only for a fraction of a second because of Alistair turning away, a faint pink hue forming on his face. "I was worried. you were moaning in your sleep and I guessed you were having a nightmare..." He quietly murmured.

(M/n) managed a weak smile. "I'm fine, Alistair," He reassured.

"Are you sure? You were sweating and panting, as if you were running..." Alistair pointed out.

"U-Uh...it's a normal occurrence. You don't have to worry." (M/n) said, sitting up. He felt a sudden headache and groaned, holding his head. Alistair quickly went to his aid, holding his hand tighter and catching him before he fell from the couch.

"My, this cannot do..." Alistair pursed his lips as he furrowed his eyebrows, showing signs of worry. All of a sudden, he put his arms under (M/n)'s back and legs, hoisting him up in a bride's carry. (M/n) wasn't given any chance to think when the rabbit carried him upstairs and into his room. The familiar scenery was still there. Alistair laid him gently on the soft bed, resting his head on the white marshmallow-like pillows.

"You should rest as much as possible. I haven't seen a wanderer in this condition, so it might be best if you regain full composure and strength again until you are able to wander on your own," Alistair advised him.

(M/n) looked at him, (E/c) orbs blinking before nodding slowly in response. "...You...You've met other people like me?" His question was barely audible, but to Alistair, he heard it perfectly. His ears perked up.

"I tend to call them 'Wanderers'. Supposedly, because they often fall in my rabbit hole, which I forget to close from time to time." He took the neatly folded blanket and placed it over (M/n)'s body.

"Also, you may have met Chess earlier. I apologize, he almost acts as if he were my elder brother, despite not related in any sort of anyway. He comes to check on me or to find an object he may have lost."

"Oh, I helped him find his bell earlier," (M/n) spoke up. Eyes widening, the rabbit looked at the male with surprise. "You helped him find his...Oh dear, I told him to take care of it! It was a memento from the Queen!"

"Alistair, mind me asking, but who is this Queen you are talking about since this morning?" (M/n) asked, curious about the subject since earlier. He had been babbling about this Queen whom he didn't even know full detail of. Despite reading the story, he suspected this Queen's particularly different, much like the other characters he had met.

"Oh, the Red Queen is the ruler of Wonderland. Despite the title, he is male. He resides in the Castle of Hearts which is on the farther side of Wonderland. I am his messenger and royal servant," Alistair explained, sitting on the chair beside the bed.

(M/n) let out a small 'oh' and closed his eyes. He let his mind drift until he remembered something. "Didn't you tell me you'd take me to explore Wonderland?"

Alistair gasped. "You're right! Oh dear, I'm sorry! I came home late and you were sleeping and I didn't want to disturb you as you slept! I'm dearly sorry!" He clasped his hands together and looked at the male with regretful eyes.

(M/n) managed a little smile. "It's okay! I'm sure I'll be fully charged tomorrow and you can take me out to see Wonderland." 'What. What are you saying, (M/n)?'

The rabbit's eyes softened as his frown converted into a grin. "I'm glad! Well, I suggest you rest. Call me when you need me, okay?" He patted (M/n)'s head softly.

"...Uhm...Alistair.." (M/n) said, barely above a whisper.


"Can you stay beside me till I sleep?" Now he just felt like a kid. Asking for someone—well, a rabbit—to stay with you till you sleep is really childish, despite almost being a young adult. He should tell him that he was joking and that—

"Okay." Alistair moved his chair closer to the bed and looked at (M/n) with a smiling face. (E/c) eyes stared at him with surprise. He...He didn't expect for him to actually accept.

It took him awhile before he even managed to close his eyes. The atmosphere was silent yet peaceful, with the gentle blowing of the wind outside the window, the faint light of the lit lantern on the bedside table, and the soft sighs (M/n) exhaled as he relaxed into the bed. He hadn't taken note of where Alistair would sleep if he occupied the bed. Perhaps the couch? Does he have a spare room somewhere? If so, why didn't he let him sleep there?

(M/n) sighed, shaking his head. Thinking won't help him sleep properly. He felt a hand over his own and felt a comfortable heat course through him, like a campfire. "Are you having trouble sleeping?" Alistair asked, his voice filled with concern.

He gave him a nod in response. He felt like his mouth was clamped shut for some reason. But the warmth coming from Alistair's hand somehow relieved him. "Do you have any family? Friends? Or anyone you have relations to?"

(M/n) stayed quiet. Yes, he did have family, but he could care less about friends. Much less, a lover. He was anxious most of the time, he doesn't do much except read fairytales, so he isn't a very reliable person.

Alistair's ears drooped, understanding his reason for not answering. A few moments of peace passed and he could finally hear the lad snore softly. It made a tugging sensation on his lips. Such a precious soul.

His hand went over to the lad's tranquil face. Carefully leaning over to his face level, he placed a gentle kiss on his forehead, hoping it will bless with him with sweet dreams. "Sleep well, dear (M/n)..."

And he did.

Broken Pocket Watch // Alice in Wonderland X Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now