[27] *~Chess's Route~*

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//So I already said this in my message board. I'm really sorry if I somehow annoyed you with the last chapter. Wattpad was acting up (again. This has happened before) and I couldn't see the notification for the new chapter so I kept republishing. I'm sorry, and I hope you guys enjoy two chapters of Chess (*´▽'*)//

After they digested their food, they ventured off to their next destination, the central plaza. It was a gathering place of the citizens of Wonderland to host joyous occasions such as festivals, dances, performances, and many more events that are widely accepted by the citizens. Today, many have gathered for a jolly dance. The instruments played with such percussion and melody. The rhythm of the music had the people swaying and kicking their feet, all their faces expressing relaxation and happiness.

Chess grinned as they arrived at the event. He placed his hands on his waist. "Man, I really haven't danced in a while. My legs need some exercising." He stretched his legs one by one and cracked his neck, making a few pops. He then directed his attention toward the (H/c) haired male, who had been standing there watching the people dance. "I understand that feeling. I haven't danced in ages."

Chess looked at him with a growing smirk. An idea popped inside his head. He tapped (M/n)'s shoulder, which caught his attention. He grabbed his hands and began pulling him towards the crowd. "Wait, Chess—!"

"We both haven't danced in a while, so how about we dance to make up for all the years we haven't danced?!" The cat began laughing and dragging (M/n) around the plaza, jumping and spinning. The male tried his best to keep up with Chess's fast pace but kept stumbling.

"Uhm, Chess? Can we slow down a bit—WAH?!" He made a wrong step and slipped, almost hitting the floor if it weren't for Chess catching him. His heart drummed inside his chest from panic. "Woah, that's the second time I've caught you. You really keep falling for me, huh?"

"Now's not the time!" (M/n)'s face went completely red as he stood straight. This made Chess laugh once more as he slowed down for (M/n) to follow. "Come on, let's dance like nobody's watching!"

That was hard for (M/n) because he thinks everybody's watching. But, he wanted to try again at least. He took a deep breath and tried to follow with the beat of the music. The tempo. The pace. The rhythm. He let himself get carried by the drift of the music, feeling himself get light. A small smile began forming on his lips. Yeah, this was like back when he was a kid.

In the midst of it all, Chess watched in awe. ' Oh man, he's good.' He thought as his eyes sparkled with pride. He managed to get him to dance! He felt himself smile wide as he danced along with him.

He took ahold of his hand, making (M/n) look at him with surprise decorating his face. "May I join you?" Chess said with a flirtatious tone in his voice. A rosy hue bloomed on (M/n)'s cheeks as he nodded shyly.

They spun and followed the lead of the other dancers. Chess couldn't believe he still had it after a few years. It felt nice dancing to such upbeat music. He twirled (M/n) and he was wrapped around his arms, making the other male go red. This made Chess laugh. "So cute~"

Then they had to separate and switch partners which made the cat whine. (M/n) laughed a bit before continuing to switch partners while dancing. For the first time, he didn't mind dancing with other people.

He spun and found that he and Chess faced each other again, doing the final move. The cat's hands rested at his waist as he lifted him up, then setting him down and raising their hands towards the sky. The people cheered and laughed as the atmosphere livened up.

Chess laughed with as well as he still held on (M/n)'s hand. (M/n) didn't mind because he was busy panting. But he had a big smile on his face. He was proud of himself for handling that well.

Broken Pocket Watch // Alice in Wonderland X Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now