[21] *~Alistair's Route~*

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Alistair couldn't breathe.

His vision blurred and he stood silently at the same place he was with (M/n), looking at the direction the smoke took him. His throat was dry and his heart was resonating in his head like a gong. His scream echoed in his mind.

The crowd had scattered from the sudden scene and some were hiding. Yet, solemnly, Alistair merely stood with the wind whistling in the devastating silence, as if mocking him. His skin has lost its color and heat, replaced with a pale color and an almost ice cold temperature.

His paralyzed state was broken when he heard his name being called. "ALISTAIR!" Two familiar, worried voices called out as footsteps followed. Alistair managed to turn to their direction and Chess had already arrived in front of him. Allan panted and stood beside the cat.

Big rough hands held his shoulders. "What happened?! What took (M/n)?!" Chess had raised his voice, indicating his alarm and worry. Alistair's voice was trembling and cracking. "I-I d-don't know. Th-There was something—a wisp or s-some sort of magical smoke— I don't know, but it took (M/n) and I wasn't able to save him in time—"

Tears filled his ruby eyes—now almost a garnet color—as he began hyperventilating. Allan gently patted Alistair's head, looking at him worriedly. "Alistair, you have to calm down—"

"How am I supposed to calm down w-when somebody just kidnapped (M/n)?!" The rabbit shouted, clutching his ears. He was so close to ripping them off out of agony. Chess gritted his teeth and forced Alistair to look at him.

"Look, we have a plan and the first phase of that plan is for you to calm the fuck down! We can't save (M/n) if you're here blubbering and leaking like a broken faucet!
You're the Red Queen's squire for heaven's sake! His right hand man! And you even learned how to use combat properly! You're going to save (M/n), even whatever lies in our path! So calm down, we're going to  get him back. We will get him back."

Alistair stared at his friend, bewildered by his sudden speech. Chess's eyebrows were furrowed in frustration. His pupils turned to slits. His nails were digging in his shoulders. Was he that worried for (M/n) too? Soon, his fast breathing  gradually slowed down. The tears stopped running. Silence enveloped them once more.

"...Understood..." The rabbit had managed to utter out from his small voice. Chess retracted his hands and glanced at Allan. "Allan, don't you have a spell in your book to enable visions through reflective means? Like water and mirrors?" He asked, voice raspy from his speech earlier.

Allan took his folded top hat from his pocket and flicked it to its original state. He reached into his hat and pulled out a book, flipping it to a page where it indicated vision spells. "I need a base. The nearest fountain is around ten kilometers away, we don't have that leisurely time. We'd need a mirror. Using windows would be too weak."

Chess clicked his tongue. "Then the nearest place with mirrors would be... The twins' store. It's only a block away." They all looked at each other and had came to an agreement. Before following them, Alistair looked back at the alley where (M/n) was last seen. He clenched his fists.

'I intend to keep my promise. I won't lose you ever again.'


The doorbell alarmed the arrival of customers, catching the lazing twins' attention. They stood at their position. "Welcome to Tweedle Dee's and Tweedle Dum's—"

"Dee, Dum, do you have any mirrors?" Chess cut them off, marching towards their counter and almost slamming his hands down on the counter. The twins' jumped at his behavior. "Chess, what's up? Why'd you need a mirror—"

Broken Pocket Watch // Alice in Wonderland X Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now