[37] *~Chess's Route~*

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(M/n) woke up to the sound of a voice singing once again.

It was the night after he and Chess went to the orphanage. It was cold and windy, yet the balcony doors were wide open and swinging from the breeze. He rubbed away the sleep in his eyes. "...What?"

He swung his legs to the edge of the bed, drowsily trying to stand up without getting outbalanced. The singing voice became apparent as it was coming straight from the balcony. As much as (M/n) wanted to know who was singing such an attractive melody, he was a bit scared it might be a creature that might eat him. He really should have checked if the balcony doors were unlocked before sleeping.

(M/n) peeked from the door frame and was appalled to see Chess sitting on the rails, looking directly at the shining moon above them. His ears twitched and he turned his head to face the sleepy male. A small smile adorned his face. "Sorry, was I too loud?"

Mouth agape and eyes wide,  (M/n) stood in the middle of the the balcony, staring at his visitor. "So..." He began. "You were the one singing before?" He shook his head out of disbelief. He knew Chess was good at violin, he just never thought he'd be good at singing as well.

Chess got off the metal railings, standing straight. He ran a hand through his long hair, that was surprisingly not tied into a low pony tail tonight. He chuckled lightly. "You caught me then as well? Yeah, I was sort of in the mood to sing then. Even now." He admitted, crossing his arms.

Finally focusing on him, (M/n) had only noticed he wasn't in his usual attire. Chess was simply in a long sleeved striped shirt, as well as his pants. His bell was still around his neck though. Under the moonlight, his golden eyes glinted with an unnamed expression.

He moved forward to stand beside Chess, resting his arms on the metal railings ever so intricately decorated with the most finest of details. "Why are you here?" He asked, gazing at the moon before directing it to the male beside him. His tail swished side to side before the cat sighed.

"Will you dislike me if I say my reason?" Chess gave him a small smile laced with a hint of nervousness. His hands were clasped together as his ears folded down. (M/n) shook his head softly. "Why would I dislike you? Even if I wanted to, I don't think I would be able to." He laughed a bit, giving the cat reassurance.

Chess kept quiet for a moment before leaning back, almost making (M/n) yell out, but he was simply floating around, his arms behind his head while his eyelids flutter to a close. "I just wanted to see you, you know? I... I was sort of just, in need of your presence, that's all." He said, his voice almost inaudible. But luckily (M/n) had managed to hear.

His sentence made his heart pick up quite a bit, his cheeks darkening in hue. It was a simple sentence, yet his mind was concocting such ideas. "I-Is that so?" He said while nervously rubbing his neck. He was hoping Alistair wouldn't suddenly hear them talking in the middle of the night. What time was it?

"You know," Chess started, floating close to (M/n)'s face. He swallowed hard upon such close proximity. "Ever since you fell down to Wonderland and I met you here in Alistair's house, you sort of stuck in my mind. A person falling down my little brother's rabbit hole after years," He rested his face on the crook of (M/n)'s neck, sighing deeply. "Who knew it would end up like this."

A deep chuckle resonated within Chess's throat, making shivers run down (M/n)'s body. The blush from earlier became worse that his face was so red even under the shower of moonlight. He didn't know what Chess was saying, but his heart was pulsing against his chest hardly.

He felt a hand softly over his own, making him look down. Chess gripped his hand gently, almost needy even. He brought it over to his cheek as he stared at him with those sharp golden eyes that could cut through paper in a split second. He leaned his face to his touch as he purred lowly. This attitude... He just didn't know what to make of it!

Broken Pocket Watch // Alice in Wonderland X Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now