[38]*~Chess's Route~*

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Almost a week later, the two haven't spoken or met each other after the certain event that happened. (M/n) hasn't gotten out of the house much unless Alistair asks him to water the vegetable garden. He was always deep in thought, wondering what he should do about Chess. He hasn't developed enough courage nor confidence to be able to face him yet. The lingering feeling of his lips still remained on his own.

He sighed as he gazes far into the distance, sitting on one of the neat little chairs and resting his arms on the small table in the balcony. He couldn't shake off his experience with Chess's caretaker, nor what Chess said before he blended into the night.

"I hope you know what I feel about you now, I'll see you round the corner."

His mind couldn't exactly grasp the idea properly. He knew what he meant, but it was just too perplexing and it made him as anxious as ever. His actions were always so unexpected, as his character was. He was like a puzzle that had hidden his pieces, making it harder to decipher what image lies within. But he knew that was the kind of person he is. He was Chess. He stood by what he said back when they were alone on the bench by the orphanage.

But it doesn't help the fact of how much he wants to discover more of his past.

As he continued to knit his eyebrows together and frown, the bedroom door opened and Alistair entered, reading glasses resting on top of the bridge of his nose as he carefully held a tray of tea, biscuits, and cookies. (M/n) hadn't noticed his presence yet, so the rabbit sighed softly. "Why the long face, (M/n)?"

Finally, the (H/c) haired male turned to him, eyes wide but quickly softening once he saw who it was. A small grin replaced his frown from earlier as he watched Alistair approach the balcony. "Oh, it's just you, Alistair." He exhaled in relief, a hand resting on his chest. The scenario seemed like it's happened before because he's experiencing major dé javu right now.

He gently sets down the tray and sits on the other chair across him. The atmosphere turns quite tranquil as the sound of clinking porcelain and the sound of tea pouring into the teacups gave off a soothing vibe. Alistair handed him one of the cups of tea after adding some milk and sugar in it, a caring smile on his face. (M/n) thanked him, smiling back as he blows on his tea and lightly sips from it.

"So, why the long face? I noticed you didn't come down for breakfast this morning, so I worried." The rabbit stated, stirring his own cup of tea as he spoke. He gestured to the biscuits and cookies, giving (M/n) the option to eat them. "You should try the sugar cookies. They taste really good accompanied with the tea."

(M/n) simply sipped on his tea quietly, setting it down and getting one of the sugar cookies. But he didn't eat them. He simply stared at it, rotating it using his finger. The silence made Alistair worry even more. He pursed his thin lips, fixing his glasses before trying to speak up. "Not a fan of sugar cookies?"

"Uhm," He heard (M/n) start, gazing at him with a patient expression. The other male fidgeted in his place, before letting out another drawn out sigh. "You know how Chess can be...unpredictable, right?" He spoke with a timid voice. The topic made Alistair raise both of his eyebrows and his ears. "A-Ah, yes. He can be very unpredictable. Did Chess do something? If he did, I swear in the name of the Queen, I'll knock the lights out of his eyes—"

"He didn't do anything!" (M/n) defended, even though it was quite a lie. He never would've expected the day he would lie to Alistair. His chest tightened, biting his lower lip to the point he thought it might've bled. He clenched his fists, his knuckles turning white. "...Uhm, I was just wondering if you knew anyone who Chess was with before he met you and Lukas."

Ruby eyes stare at him with a look combined with confusion and worry. It was quite a specific question, and it made him pretty dumbfounded. Yet, he takes a cookie from the tray and bites into it, drumming his slender fingers along the surface of the table. "Well... I actually don't know anyone else he knows besides his so called friend that helped him find his house.  He was always reassuring me that he was content with me and Lukas's presence. But I knew he was hiding something. Something he can't possibly tell anyone to the point he masks it with a facade known as his troublemaker side. I tried asking him who it was, but he said that he was just a close friend who helped him get a place to live in. And the topic was never brought up again."

Broken Pocket Watch // Alice in Wonderland X Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now