[7] *~Alistair's Route~*

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"You're going to serve The Red Queen today, Alistair?" (M/n) curiously asked as he walked towards the full attired rabbit. His long white ears perked up and he smiled apologetically. "Yes, I apologize if you get lonely." He stood in front of the smaller male, leaning down to fix his loose clothes. It was honestly very cute.

(M/n) gave him a patient smile. "It's okay. I'll take care of the house while you're gone," He said while gesturing to Alistair's lovely abode. This made Alistair pat his messy bedhead hair.

"That's very nice of you. Thank you..." Then his ruby eyes dimmed. He breathed a sigh of disappointment. "I wish I could invite you to the castle. That way, we could at least enjoy each other's company more. "

The sentence made (M/n)'s face brighten in hue. "O-Oh, me too..."

Then all of a sudden, loud knocking emanated from the other side of the front door, making both males jump. Alistair hurriedly went to answer the door. He opened it and was met with a tall muscular woman with dark skin, long curly white hair, and furious purple eyes that made sweat bead down Alistair's face. She wore full battle armor with hearts encrusted on its reflective exterior. Under her arm was her helmet garnished with black, red, and white hearts. Her eyes pierced through Alistair in irritation.

"Alistair." Her voice was stern and quite deep. She gripped her spear tightly.

"General Thalia Reuven..." Alistair replied nervously, trying his best to avoid her threatening gaze.

Thalia looked behind him, making (M/n) flinch. Her eyes were looking directly at him, as if she could sense his fear. She sighed. "His Majesty is asking for you," Then she squinted her orbs at (M/n). "And your guest."

This made Alistair's eyes widen in complete and utter surprise. "W-Wait, why does His Majesty want (M/n) to go to the castle-?!"

"Silence. Hurry up to the carriage, the horses are beginning to stir." And with that, Thalia turned around and walked away without another word. Alistair was almost petrified if it weren't for (M/n) lightly tapping his shoulder.

"I-I guess my wish has been granted?" Alistair said nervously, beads of sweat gradually forming on his forehead. "W-We should get you a better change of clothes."


They settled for one of Alistair's frilled dress shirts, black trousers, and brown formal boots as his attire for his visit to the castle of the Red Queen. They sat in silence as their coach woman-Thalia-whipped the horses to run faster. As it turns out, the horses were cards folded and enchanted to act like real horses, as Alistair explained.

"General Thalia Reuven is the captain of the Royal Military Brigade and Wonderland's Special Armed Forces against possible intruders. She's as powerful as the gossip tells her to be. She managed to single handedly defeat an enemy dragon by herself even while wounded. Many children of Wonderland dream to be like her. And-"

Alistair leaned over to (M/n)'s ear. "Don't tell her I said this, but she has a thing for a lovely lady in the East District of The Capital who sells mouth watering pastries and bread. And I think it's kind of cute." He grinned ear to ear as he sat back on his dark red seat.

(M/n) had to smile. It was indeed cute for a heroic general of Wonderland's line of defense to have a crush on a girl selling pastries. It sounded like a love story waiting to happen. And he could tell it was a good story.

The carriage came to a stop. The carriage door opened-courtesy of Thalia-and they came out. (M/n) was baffled by the size of the entrance way before him. Black and red pillars decorated its way to the gigantic front gate. Patches of red roses bloomed throughout the environment, corresponding well with its green counterpart. The gate was heavily guarded with four knights on each side. Thalia nodded to the knight on the right and he bowed in respect. He raised his arm to the sky, signalling to raise the gate.

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