[36] *~Chess's Route~*

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After Chess went to greet his friends, the kids wanted him to play more songs but he said that he explained to them that that was the only song he practiced over the course of two days. The kids were slightly distraught, but Chess made up for it by agreeing to play with them.

Lukas and Alistair had to go back to the castle to continue with their work while Allan had decided to stay to watch his two little brothers play with the other kids and Chess. (M/n) sat beside him on the old wooden bench.

The two watched as Chess was being chased by an incredible amount of kids. Allan crossed his arms as he grinned. "Kids always did love him. And they loved pulling on his tail and hair." He chuckled as he saw the cat get bitten on his tail. A loud "meow!" echoed throughout the orphanage as the kids laughed.

(M/n) stifled a giggle. "That must've hurt," He was watching Chess, but his mind was somewhere else. He noticed how much his heartbeats whenever he and Chess got close. It could probably just be from his body reacting from social interaction, but it must be something else. His heart doesn't literally pound in his ears when he's with someone.

' It can't be... Can it?' Out of habit, he sighed loudly. Allan glanced at him, an eyebrow raised. "Is there something the matter, (M/n)? You look glum." The hatter patted a hand on his back, making (M/n) sigh again.

"It's nothing really, Allan. I don't think it's important." He shook his head while his face grew in temperature. Allan pouted and scooted closer to (M/n)'s side. He hunched over, looking at the blushing male.

"Hey, I look out for my friends. If it's something that's bothering you, I'll be here to listen," His pout turned into a soft smile as he patted the other male's head gently. Taking a deep breath, (M/n) clasped his hands together. "Promise you won't judge or laugh at me?"

"I swear in the name of the Queen, I will not judge or laugh at you." Allan said while staring directly into the male's eyes. (M/n) took a sharp breath and scooted closer to Allan. "I think... I'm having feelings for Chess..."

The hatter's eyes widened, but he smiled. "Romantic, I suppose? Don't worry, besides being The Hatter, I'm also an expert love doctor~!" He placed a hand to his chest as sparkles danced in his eyes. This made (M/n) chuckle. "You're probably a lot of things~"

"Professional tea drinker? Professional pastry chef and baker? Well, besides Alistair because he makes better desserts than me but yes! I am a lot of things~"

Allan cleared his throat before putting his index finger up. "Okay, back to the topic. You like Chess right? And you may have went on a date already when you guys brought along March and Dorie by the lake. But first tell me, how did you come to like Chess?"

(M/n) thought for a moment. He remembered back when him and Chess went to the Capital by their selves and danced along with the people. Then... The kiss. Then finally the day they went by the river. He discovered a lot about Chess, but there's also a lot more to him to see. A whole lot more. "I..."

"What are you guys doing?" Chess asked out of nowhere, making both of the males let out a scream. (M/n) sweated profusely. "Ahh... Uhm-"

"We were just talking about a game of chess! Yes, (M/n) was taking a liking to the game so I helped him discuss a few tactics!" Allan took a side glance and winked. (M/n) wanted to crawl inside a hole and hide.

Chess tilted his head to the side in confusion before shrugging. "Well, you do beat me everytime in chess, which is infuriating. Move a bit, I'm gonna sit." He slipped in the small gap between (M/n) and Allan and rested his back on the backrest of the bench.

Broken Pocket Watch // Alice in Wonderland X Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now