[14] *~Alistair's Route~*

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//Get your asses ready because this one legit made me cry so much//

The sun wasn't up yet when Alistair had woken up. His ruby eyes slowly opened, adjusting to the darkness. The soft cat-like snores could still be felt against his chest. His arms were still wrapped around the smaller male protectively. The sight brought a smile to his face.

"This is the first time I've woken up earlier than the sun." Alistair whispered to himself quietly. Crickets chirped outside in the early morning. He ran his fingers along the tousled (H/c) locks. "They're still the same after such a long time."

Releasing a deep sigh, he hugged the sleeping male tighter, indulging himself in his warmth. "After all this time, really, I've endured trying not to tell you to remember me. I was merely in my hare form when we met for the first time. You were so young then. Carefree, you would always play in that open clearing and dance as if the world was watching you. I was always there whenever I got the chance," Alistair's expression changed to that of melancholy.

"If I were to experience that with you, it'd bring me overwhelming joy. Even if it were only once. To see the wide grin across your face. To accompany you with your dance solo and evolve it into a duetto." He gazed longingly at (M/n)'s tranquil face as he slept.

"Never did I expect to fall for you, really. A young boy bursting with optimism and adventure, withering into a young man trapped in his rotten thoughts. Don't worry, I'll keep my word when I said I'll protect you. I'll be the one to nurture you back into your blossoming state. I'll return the favor you have done for me. I promise." Silently, Alistair placed a soft and caring kiss against his forehead and caressed (M/n)'s sleeping face.

"I promise."


"Alistair, you're awake quite early today." Alistair turned his head towards the familiar voice. (M/n) was leaning against the wall beside the staircase, the sleep in his eyes still apparent. A soft chuckle emanated from Alistair's throat. "I'm quite shocked too." He said, placing the plate of breakfast on the dining table. As if in a trance, (M/n) walked in a zombie-like way, yawning as he went.

The rabbit shook the water off his hands and went to sit beside the sleepy male. He was hoping to eat breakfast with him so he only made breakfast now. The time was currently 6:43 when they started digging in. "How was your sleep." Alistair asked, starting a conversation.

"Would it be an exaggeration if I said it was heavenly?" (M/n) said whilst stifling a laugh. Alistair laughed along with him. "No, not at all." He smiled at him as they continued eating. This was a nice morning to have. With him, eating breakfast, laughing along with him, it was a moment to be recorded.

"Alistair, I was wondering," (M/n) began. "Do you like fairy tales?" The question made Alistair smile. "As a matter in fact, I do~! I adore them."

Sparkles shimmered in (M/n)'s eyes as he leaned in, staring right at Alistair's ruby ones. "Can you tell me which is your favorite?"

Alistair blinked before sweating nervously. He had many favorites, yet it's been such a long time that he'd forgotten most of them. What was he going to do?

A moment of nervous fidgeting passed before he got an idea. "Well, I don't know how to summarize, but it's about someone who didn't think he would fall in love."

(M/n) moved his chair closer to Alistair and rested his arm on the table, already have finished his breakfast. Alistair continued. "The story starts with that someone accidently hurting himself..."


'What am I going to do?' The rabbit thought as it tried moving his hind legs, only to yelp in pain. Alistair was merely hopping through the forest when he wasn't able to notice the slope by the edge. His front foot slipped and he tumbled down the slope, colliding with a sharp branch as he fell.

Broken Pocket Watch // Alice in Wonderland X Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now