[10] *~Alistair's Route~*

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//This chapter is more reliant on Alistair's past with Lukas and Chess but the next chapter has more (M/n) in it >3•//

The sky was a canvas of colliding hues as the day was coming to a close. After the 'Chess eating the whole batch of cookies' incident, they had to clean the kitchen and the living room because Chess ended up tipping the tray in various attempts to keep it away from Alistair's grasp. But all in all, it was an eventful day.

Alistair had been planning to buy clothes for (M/n) tomorrow after he was done with his duties. After all, he can't keep using his clothes from when he was younger.

"Alistair?" His ears perked up from the said male's voice. He climbed up the wooden stairs and went inside his room, wondering as to why (M/n) had called him.

(M/n) was in front of his wardrobe, staring at a sheathed sword hanging on one the hooks. Alistair's ruby eyes widened. "Oh my, it looks like you have found my sword."

(E/c) hued eyes widened in shock and surprise. "I-It's your's?!" He exclaimed, surprise overtaking his form. Alistair couldn't help but laugh. "I don't look like the fighting type, do I?"

He made his way in front of the sheathed sword and held on to its hilt. Carefully taking it from its hook, he laid the flat of the covered blade and the hilt on his hands, staring at it.

The sheath had diamonds embroidered on its leather base. Nostalgia overwhelmed Alistair as he unsheathed the sword, revealing its long iron blade. Its edge was deadly sharp yet unused for years. "This was given to me when I first started serving Lukas. How nostalgic."

"Say," (M/n) started. "I've been wondering about this since we visited The Red Queen." His fingers rubbed against each other in a nervous manner. "Why did you decide to serve His Majesty as a servant and messenger? And, what did it feel like being friends with His Majesty and Chess?"

Alistair was taken aback by the question. He sighed and returned the sword back in its sheath. "Well, would you like me to tell you the whole thing?" He responded with a nod. A small smile was plastered on his face. "Very well. Let's take a seat, shall we?"


Walking over an old brick bridge was a young bunny with a book in hand. His glasses resting on his nose were crooked and his ruby eyes were fixated on each word that decorated each page.

"And Feyra ran towards her brother with a hop, a step, and a jump with glee. "Oh dear brother! Oh, how I missed you so!" She exclaimed in pure joy." The bunny recited aloud with matching emotion as the character.

It was a particularly windy day today as gusts of wind blew throughout the fields. Though, the bunny didn't mind and was too engrossed in his reading. He reached the top of the bridge and suddenly, a strong breeze blew past him and caused him to lose grip of his book. Horrified, he held onto the edge of the bridge as the book he was currently reading fell into the river.

"Oh, heavens!" The bunny exclaimed with worry as he raced back down the bridge, careful as not to trip. With his little feet, he tried to catch up to the book drifting along the current. Soon, his feet would not be able to take it. The current was too fast. "I won't be able to make it!" He panted out, tears prickling his ruby eyes.

Then, in his line of vision, two children were walking towards his direction. They seem to have noticed the floating book and one of them, the cat with the mischievous grin, scooped it up from the river. Its pages were soaked and withered. The other child, a handsome young lad with rich maroon locks, took notice of the bunny panting in front of them. He tapped on the cat's shoulder, gaining his attention.

Broken Pocket Watch // Alice in Wonderland X Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now