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- Are you kidding? – Chloe said when I finished the story. – Did you just said that? Girl are you sick? Your dream fall from the sky into your lap and you said that you need to think about it?

- I don't know. I mean... fuck this is hard. I want to be his photographer but you know how much I like him. I'm his fan since I'm 14. And you know his "party life". I don't want to take photos of the high, drunk MGK who is always with another woman. You know what I mean?

- Yes I know. But you wanted this. Anyways you will see how it goes tomorrow.

- You are right.

- Like always. That's why I'm your best friend. I'm always telling the truth.

We talked for another one hour before I went home. Than I realized that I need to tell that to my mom. So I went to the kitchen but I didn't find her. Where is she? I was thinking when I saw a message on the fridge. It says that my mom is at the store, so she will be home later. Cool. Than what should I do? I checked my social medias and I thought about the photographer job. I really like Machine Gun Kelly I mean REALLY, but I know his habits, and not only the good ones, and what if they will think that I'm not good enough. While I was thinking my mom came home. So I went downstairs to tell her and ask her opinion. She said the same thing what Coco said.

Later that night I went to bed early. I mean I wanted but I got new message from Kells.

"Hi there! Are you ready for tomorrow?"

"Hey! Yes I guess. When will you guys be there?"

"We don't know yet. But I think in the morning."

"Okay, but I will be at school at 8:30am-2:30pm."

"It's not a problem! Enjoy your last days. :)"

"Thanks:)! And you enjoy the flight! Now I want to go to sleep, if you don't mind!"

"Sleep well! Talk to you later!"

I put my phone down, and after a few minutes I was sleeping.


I woke up with the feeling that somebody is watching me. I looked around my room, I didn't see anything, but I still had that feeling so I use my phone as a lamp. Than I saw Kells was looking at me while I was sleeping.

- What the fuck are you doing here? And how did you get here? – these were my first words to him.

- Well nice to meet you too. And your mom let us come in. I found your room, I looked around, nice photos by the way, and I was waiting for you to wake up.

- When did you guys came here?

- Like a half hour ago.

- What time is it?

- It's 6:35. – he said as he looked down at his phone.

- It's so early.

- I know, but we have to work. So get up, get ready, and come down with your camera.

- Don't command to me.

- I will! – he laughed.

I get up, get dressed, made my hair and did my makeup. I was ready, so I went to the living room. There were Slim, Dub, Rook, Ash and Kells.

- Oh –I was scared when I first saw them. – Good morning! – I said with a shy voice.

- You were right, she isn't the best with saying hello. – Slim said and he hugged me. – Nice to meet you.

- You too! – than I say hello to everybody, and Kells said that we need to start to take photos.

- Where do you wanna take them? – he asked.

- What about walking around the city and you guys just acted like you normally do, and if I see something what inspire me, or what is good for a photo I'll tell you or I'll take the photo of it?

- That's sound good! Go for it!

My mom and Ash stayed at home and they were talking about things, I guess. I was enjoying the boys company. I took a lot of photo, after an hour in the city I tell them I need to go to school, and they said they will take me there.

- Okay, but we need to pick up my best friend!

- It's okay for me. What is her name?

- She is Chloe, but I call her Coco.

- Nice. Anyways how can we call you?

- Joetta is okay to me, but you can call me to Jo or Jojo.

- You can call me Colson!

- Well nice to meet you Colson ! – I said with a smile. 

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