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After the first week in Cleveland I felt so good. I mean I like the people there, the city is nice. I took as much photos as much I can. But I didn't have much time to lay down and maybe talk with them to know them a little more.

- Hey little girl. – Colson said. Slim knew that I hate this so he told to everyone to call me that.

- Wassup wild boy?

- I didn't know you that well and you are working with us. What if you want to kill us.

- Obviously, that's why I'm here.

- That's what I'm talking about. So tell everything about yourself.

- Well what do you want to know?

- Everything. – he said with a smile.

- Okay... So I was born in Stowe. Before I was born my dad leave my mom and my brother. We were living there for 5 years, but my wanted to move. So we went to San José. I grew up there, I had friends and than I met with Chloe. We started to be best friends. At the age 14 my brother went to Europe to work there, and I started to like taking photos. Oh and I started to listening to your music. – I smiled. – I started to study more because I wanted to be successful as a photographer. And now here I am.

- Sorry about your dad.

- Oh I don't need this. I mean thank you, but I don't care about him. He wanted that and now I can laugh at him, because he missed everything.

- You are right. You grew up, your dream come true and you're beautiful. – I blushed as he said that.

- Thank you. – I said with a smile. He came closer and hugged me. It was an understanding hug with emotions.

- Any plans for tonight? – he asked.

- Not yet. Why?

- We will go to a club. Do you want to come?

- I don't know. I'm not a drinking person.

- Than you won't drink. Just one, with me. – he laughed.

- Okay. What should I wear.

- Let me see. – he stood up and went straight to my wardrobe. He threw my clothes everywhere, but he found what he was looking for. A black dress. Yeah I had one, but I didn't wear it because I'm not that type of girl. He handed it to me.

- Really?

- Yes, and find heels for that. You are too short.

- No I'm not! You are too tall. – we laughed.

- Whatever. Just get ready. This night will be crazy.

He went out so I started to getting ready. The night was good, I drink a few, but I can't tell this about them. They were drunk as fuck. At 3am I thought it would be okay if we go back home. The boys went to the car, they were waiting for me, because I went back to find Colson. He was in the VIP, so I shouted.

- Colson! We are about to leave!

- Come in! - he said.

- Colson! We need to go!

- Why?

- Because it's time. Come on.

- No. Come here. – he held my hand and he pulled me to himself. He started to kissing me. At first I wasn't about to finish it, but after a half minute I realized why I am here.

- Colson, stop! We are leaving. - I held his hand and we went to the car. He was staring at my ass all the time. I put him in the passenger seat, before I could close the door, he slammed my ass.

- What the fuck. – I almost hit his face, but I knew he was drunk. So I leave it.

I sat behind Colson, and Ash ride us back home. We helped them in, the last person was Colson. I got him and we went to upstairs, to his room.

- There you go. – I said that to him.

- Don't leave. – he said with a smirk on his face.

- Why? – he stand in front of me and he kissed me, again.

- What are you doing? – I asked as I pulled away.

- I want you.

- No, you're drunk! Go to sleep.

- No I'm good! Come here. – he said grabbing my waist.

- Colson stop it now. – I yelled. I think he got scared so he finished it. I walked out of his room and I went to the bathroom to have a shower. After the shower I went to my room. I went to bed, but I couldn't sleep. I was thinking. I looked at my phone, it was 4:35am. I needed to sleep. Today will be a long day.

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