4; Good Place

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It has been a few days since Micah and I started dating. Nothing really changed but the intimacy level. We would kiss every now and then and we would kiss goodbye. We even had to pull over in the car for a session. I enjoyed it none the less.

Wednesday came and it was Micah's last week that he had until he had to start practicing. I still didn't like the idea of him and another man fighting. It was so brutal and we both knew it. It was no mercy and every man for himself.

"Don't worry, Shortie. I am good at this kind of stuff."

Micah kissed my hand that he held in his. We were driving to school and he knew I worried. 

I still had to tell my father that I am dating a cage fighter. I didn't want to tell my mom but she would ask about my love life when I visit her next. When I visit her next...

I loved my mom but we held a weird relationship. She would try to dress me up into something I wasn't. She wouldn't go overboard but she wanted to be a part of my life. She wanted to be like my dad. He was my favorite no doubt but I would always love my mom.  I knew she wanted me to visit her mansion but I hated going there. I hated the too clean feeling the house gave off. I hated the people asking me if I wanted anything. It was too big and I would always get lost. I hated it and I couldn't understand how my mom, living by herself, could stand it. She had her maids and chefs but they didn't stay twenty-four seven. They had lives. I guess her job took up most of her time though.

I sighed and squeezed his hand in mine. 

He kissed me and we both went off to different classes. 

Time flew by with my head consumed about what would happen when Micah enters that ring. He could die. He could get in a coma. He could die. He could really injure himself. He could die.

I just hoped he was better than he said he was and he didn't get hurt. I knew there was a good chance because of all the publicity he gets and everyone says he is good but I couldn't hide my panic.

I was in lunch and I got the normal glare but I walked right past them.  I couldn't find Faith or Sky, thinking they skipped. I walked outside and it is kinda cold. I sit on the railing like I did when Micah first talked to me. I laid down and looked at the gray sky. There is no doubt it would rain soon. I pulled my sleeves closer and looked up.

Micah could die in that ring that he will be entering and there is nothing I could do to stop him. My mom called my dad and that only resulted in a fight leaving me crying i the other room. They said they wouldn't go to court to fight over me but that might change soon. 

"What'cha doin', Shorty?"

I turned my head to Micah who was walking up to me. He wrapped me in his arms and kissed mt temple. He sat right behind me and pulled me into his lap. I smiled and curled into his warm figure.  


He kissed me again and held me closer. I closed my eyes and he just held me close. I smiled into his chest and held him by his shirt. 

The bell rang and we both sighed upset we couldn't be in each other's presence anymore. 

"We gotta go, Shortie. But I will take you home after school like usual."

I groaned and sat up suddenly missing his warmth. 

"Okay... What are you doing today?"

He paused but came back and looked at me.

"I gotta go to the gym. They pre-order things for me and I might have got you some stuff too."


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