8; Willing To Try New Things

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Waking up to hear glass breaking and shouting is really alarming. To also realise your boyfriend, who will protect you from anything just by a look at the alarming person, is gone is scary. To also realise your huge guard dog is missing is quiet  terrifying.

Dread filled me as I walked out of my comforting room. I walk down the hall and into the only lit part of the house. I peak through the door frame to see my drunken father and Micah. Micah was somewhat standing in my way while my father was hunched over the counter with a beer at hand. 

"I come to my own house to find a damn boy in my daughter's room and my fucking wife fucking another man!"

"Mr.  Brooks, I understand. I really do but please keep your voice down."

Micah was calm but very tensed. He knew if he said something wrong he would be totally screwed. I heard Goddard barking from outside and I wanted to run into his side immediately. I hated seeing my father like this with no one here. 

"I am getting out of this fucking house! Fuck you all!"

He ran out of the house. I felt tears brim my eyes. I haven't seen him this bad ever. I mean, I have seen him drunk but not mean drunk. He was always the happy one. I hope my mother is happy. 

Micah's tense back shrank and he walked to the back door.

"Come on in, Goddard." He said. 

I heard Goddard's collar jingle and his nails hit the tiled floor. I walked in and wiped my eyes before doing so.

"Hey, Shorty. Whats up?"

He acted as if nothing just happened. He soon realized I knew and walked over to me. He captured me in his arms and Goddard rubbed against us. I willed myself not to cry but a few tears spilt out. Micah's arms pulled my face into his chest and I enjoyed the moment. 

"I'm so sorry, Micah."

He pulled back.

"What are you sorry for? You did nothing wrong."

"Yeah, but you shouldn't have to deal with this. I am just dragging you into my family life and I am sorry you have to deal with it. I've never seen my dad this way."

He shook his head and kissed mine. He pulled me back to him and swayed. I followed and it felt great to be here. I live for little moments like this. 

"You want something to eat?"

Micah looked at me. "Do you know what time it is?"

"yeah, but I was researching things about fighters and they said they eat a lot. So, I can make you something to eat. No offence but you are huge and looks like you're still growing."

He laughed and shook his head. Then he stopped and smiled at me. He had this glint in his eyes.

"I love you."

"I love you."

I walked over to the fridge.

"Pancakes okay?"


A few minutes later we were sitting on the couch with a big plate on the coffee table we pulled closer to us. I sat facing Micah but turned my top half to the TV.  It was two in the morning and only cartoons were on. We settled for The Loony Toons and Micah looked at me funny when I laughed at something they did. Yes, I was a child.

"Who's your favorite?" I asked Micah and looked up to him with curiousity.

"I don't have one. This is a little kid's show."

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