17; Little Moments

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Everything is starting to look up, I think. 

Well some things are. Micah is getting better but taking things way too fast. It has only been three weeks and he is trying to go to the gym again. I have had to tell him many times that he wasn't allowed but that boy wouldn't listen. So instead I made him take Chomps, Goddard, and I to the park.  So far we have been going there everyday and Micah would try to go overboard with stuff. 

My mother is getting married. She hasn't let me meet the guy but I could probably guess what he's like and I'm glad I didn't meet him. She did invite me to the wedding though. I was supposed to be a bridesmaid and Micah was supposed to be there too. He knew about it and wan't happy. He doesn't like my mother too much and I don't blame him but I wish he would give her another chance. My father took her marriage well and decided he wanted to start dating again. 

I didn't know how to respond to my father but didn't question it. He hasn't dated in so long and I thank him for it. He gave me a great childhood and now I should give him the freedom to do as he pleases.

"Shorty, I have something I want to do!"

Ugh, here we go!

~Micah's POV

"Shorty, I have something I want to do!"

Or for you to do.

She groaned and came into my room. She has been staying here all the time considering I couldn't do much. That pissed me off.

Serenity must be getting mad at me. I have been trying to get to the gym for the past three weeks and she wouldn't even budge. She tried to be stern but I knew it broke her heart to tell me no. She didn't like doing any of that to anyone. 


I looked up to her and smiled. I stood up and looked down at my cast on my leg. I smiled at it. Serenity had tried to make me feel better by drawing all over it. She said there were puppies and pictures of us there but it all looked like stick figures and scribles. She always said she couldn't draw and now I don't doubt it. But, the only thing I could see that made sense were three little words that meant so much. I love you.

"Babe, I want to teach how to drive."

Her face went down. She wasn't looking forward to it but she had to learn. I didn't like her not knowing how. Sure she wouldn't be driving much with me around, that's my job, but she sould learn. I guess you could call it a right of passage.

"Please?" I begged and stuck my lip out.

She sighed and kissed it. I chuckled.

"Thank you."

I limped all the waay into the kitchen where I grabbed the keys and knew she was following. I decided to take Chomps for some moral support. Serenity always liked Chomps and he didn't mind the car ride.

First, I drove to a parking lot. It didn't have much poles but they were there. It it would impossible to hit. 

"You ready, Shorty?"

She sighed but walked around the car, ready to learn to drive.

"Okay, seat-belt, Micah."

"You aren't serious..."

"If I'm driving then yes I am."

She glared until I put on the seat belt. 

She started the car and put it into reverse. The car jerked backwards until it stopped so fast we could have gotten whiplash. I started to laugh at her panicked state.

"Shut up! I don't know what I'm doing."

I calmed down a bit. "Relax, babe. Just go slow."

She did. And when she did she did the impossible.

The car stopped but only because something was in the way. A bright yellow pole stood behind the car. 


It didn't come from my mouth. 

I stared at Serenity's outburst to only find her just as surprised as I was. Her mouth was gaping open but was shielded by a hand. Her cheeks were scarlet and she was about in tears.

I started to laugh and she was still freaking out.

"Micah, I'm so sorry. Please don't be mad! I will get it fixed." She started a rant.

"Babe, Serenity, Shorty!" I said kinda loud until she stopped ranting off.

"I don't mind. Really it's your first time. I love you though so just relax."

I got out of the car to check how much she did. I limped with Chomps in my arms.

I thought she was cute. She was so scared and jumpy. She thought I could be mad but with that face, it was a mission going to fail from the start.

It wasn't bad at all really. Only a small dent. Serenity was still upset.

"Babe, trust me, I'm not mad. I have done so much to this car. I don't think a small dent it going to matter. But I want to know, where did that word come from?"

I started to tease her.

"Oh, shut up. You say it like all the time. Give me the dog, your driving."

I laughed but did as she said. 

It was little moments like this that made life so great.. Just to see her panic and be all cute made my day. I could care less about the car, it was something replaceable. Not like Serenity. 

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