9; Man Up

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"Micah, don't do anything stupid. Are you sure you wanna do this?"

I questioned Micah. This was his first season fight and let me say, we were downtown and in a huge building I have never been inside. I was slightly terrified with all the people and Micah would be fighting for a long time. He could even pass out. There were security all over me, courtosy of Micah. There were many men here giving me looks and many death glares from girls and guys. I just sank into the security guy's side and hid from everything. 

A metal song came on and tey lowered the music so you could hear the anouncer that stood in the middle of the octagon. I moved a little so I could see the door of who was coming out.

"Standing at 6'4, weighing in at 235 pounds, and with a record of 20 to 11, Ryan 'Fightin'' Ringling!"

I saw a tall man walk out. He looked coneited as he held his amrs up and basked in his own cheers. He bounced around the ring and stopped in front of me. 

"Your little boyfriend is dead. You should be dating a real man."

The Ref who's name I learned was Jack Gizponcho. I called him Mr. Gizponcho and he was very nice to me. He told me "You are the only person in this place that even bothered to learn my name." It made me feel good. He pulled Ryan away and told him to go to his side of the ring. He then turned to me and I spoke out.

"Thank you."

He only nodded and moved to his designated spot. I heard a different song go on and the man with an amazing voice speak again.

"Standing at 6'5, wieghing at 250 pounds, and a record of  57 to 2, Chance 'Rampage' Blues!"

I heard a lot of cheers considering the man was from this town and good. Micah came out with smoke. He had a robe over him and his head down. He looked mean and menacing. And scary. He started to make his way to the octagon. Micah stared Ryan down. They both did and Micah started to shake his hand like he did at the first fight I saw. He looked pissed and ready to pound Ryan's face in.

They said a few words and went to different sides. Micah walked my way and Ryan the opposite. Paul walked in with a chair. A few other people came and applied things on Micah. 

Paul and the other guys pulled away and Micah stood up and turned to me and smiled. He walked over and put his arm out through the cage. He held it out for me. I walked to it and he pulled me really close and leaned down. He stuck his lips out inbetween the metal and I pressed my face on it to kiss his puckered lips. I pulled back and he went off and I went back to my little circle of sevurity guards.

"So, I'm Serenity. What's your name?"

I asked all three and they moved their bodies inwards to me. I kept the smile on my face and they all answered.




The fight started and everytime Micah would do something cool, I would let the excitement over come me and I would jump up and down or hit Blake, Rob or Sam's arm. They smiled and just shook their heads. I would scream and clap or do something crazy.

We were in the fourth round and Micah looked somewhat okay. He had a cut on his eyebrow and a busted lip. I was worried about his eye that was leaking blood.

"Rob, do you think he will be okay?"

Rob turned to me and they never took their arms off their chests. They made them look professional. I guess they are.

"Of course. He always is."

"You mean, he gets like this all the time!?"

They only chuckled at me. I then took time to look at Ryan.

He was much worse. He had many cuts by his eyes and a bloody lip and noce. I could see a bruise forming on his eye.

"Can I walk over there?"

I pointed to the man and the guys walked me over there. I walked up to the cage and the guys were right behind me. 

"My boyfriend is looking a lot better than you, and looks pretty good. How do you expect me to find a manly-ier man?"

I hear laughs around me and a growl from Ryan. I giggled and looked to Micah who looked worried and enraged. 

I walked back over and the last round started. 

Of course Micah won and he pulled me into the octagon. I tried to avoid the spots that had blood and sweat on them. Reportors came and started to ask us questions. I only answered the people who looked nice.

"What are you gonna do after this?"

"I am going to make him, take a shower. That's gross."

They all laughed.

"Chance, Serenity, we gotta go to the press conference." Paul called us over and out of the ring.

After Micah put on a 'Tap Out' shirt and I put on my hoodie, we walked into the room with reportors, cameras and everything imaginable.  Micah sat down and pulled me over to the seat right next to him. He held my hand on the table and played with a piece of paper. He slipped on his hat and just waited like the rest of us. 

"Rampage, at the end of each round and even during, you kept looking in the corner. Were you looking at Serenity?"

He pulled a microphone up and answered.

"I guess. I was trying to make sure she didn't do anything stupid."

He looked at me and smiled when he said so. I could feel the blush rise and I smiled down. I heard laughs come from the room.

"What are your thoughts on your next fight?"

"Bring it."

They asked more questions and it was exhuasting. I got to answer some but otherwise I just sat there smiling. I didn't mind all this but by the time it ended, I was tired.

Micah took a shower and drove me home. My dad still wasn't home.

"Micah, do you think he will come back?"

We stayed still in the driveway. It was dark but the headlights illuminated everything to sight. 

"Yeah, maybe not for a couple days but he will come back."

Micah walked me inside. I knew he would be hungry and I could use some foodso I walked into the kitchen.

"I want tacos." i stated and opened the fridge looking for everything I needed. I heard and felt his chuckle. He wrapped his arms around my waist and snuck his head on my shoulder and looked into the fridge.

I pulled everything out and started to prepare it. I was surprised to see Micah do a lot of the stuff. He tried to help but needed guidance in half of the stuff.

We ate the tacos on the table and laughed at stuff we talked about. We were so tired that almost none of it even made sense. 

We put our plates away and Micah came from behind and started to kiss me on the lips. I was surprised he could reach from behind. I moved so he wouldn't have to.

He pulled away and pulled me to my bedroom. 

"You look really tired, Babe."

He picked me up and Goddard was already on my bed. He laid me down and laid on top of me. He kept his weight off me. He smiled down at me. 

I kissed him and whispered "I love you, Micah."

"I love you more, Serenity."

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