Chapter 4

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   As I fell into my dream, it started at school. It was like all my other dreams only no one was there. The teachers, the students, everyone was just missing. As I walked down the hallway, the school started to turn bright pink. Everything was covered in pink, from the floors to the walls. There was red stains on the wall and I knew what those stains were.
     In the classroom that I go to homeroom in Kam, Jaz, Hailey, Brianna, and my sister were all in there. They didn't move and their eyes were all red with red tears coming out of them. I was freaked out. I ran to the bathroom hopping they didn't see me. I looked in the mirror but it wasn't me in the reflection.
   Instead, it was a girl with straight brown hair but the bottom parts were dyed pink. Her shirt had purple on the top and pink on the bottom. She had a pink skirt with purple leggings and she wore brown boots to top it off. Her eyes were pink but one of the was covered. I backed away from the mirror.
      Everything all of a sudden turned black. In front of me the girl stood. Her smile wasn't welcoming. She came closer to me and behind her was this little pink slime monster thing. I wasn't sure which was creepier the fact that it had a face or the fact that is was moving on its own.
      "Did you miss me? It's me! Your best friend." She said evilly.
      "Who are you?" I asked.
"Why it's me, Betty! It has been so long hasn't it?" She only got creepier. I remembered her from when I was a kid. Then I remembered what I made for her.
"What a shame you had to go. I must say that nerd you call a friend was good enough to replace me." She said starting to really freak me out.
"How do you-"she cut me off and said, "It's obvious you don't remember. You seem scared but don't worry I only want one thing. If you give it to me I will just go away."
"What is it?"
"I want you to leave them. ALL OF THEM. If you don't I'll be forced to MAKE you."
"Leave who?"
"Oh, you know. Well bye old friend. It's time to wake up. You have school."
     I herd my alarm go off. I woke up from that crazy...nightmare? I wasn't sure what was going on. A part of me didn't really want to know. I went through my morning routine and got ready for school. I wasn't really up for school. I was more afraid to black out while I was at school. I can't just skip school though. I walked with my friends who are in younger grades then me.
     I waited outside with the rest of the kid for eight o' clock. That's when the doors open. Brianna came up to me sense she had been there before me. You see I have a reputation in which I act like I'm a murder. I'm not really but I only do it to act tough. Just sometimes I want to be strong. I guess I'm not that real after all.
    "Killer." Brianna said.
    "Other killer." I responded.
"How's the killing?"
"Oh, you know same old same old."
"That's cool. Hey, you ok? You don't look so good. You look pale."
"I'm fine, I didn't know I was pale but whatever."
"You sure?"
"Trust me when I say I'm fine."
"It's hard to trust someone who kills for a living." She said as she walked away.
      I can't tell anyone. Who would even help? Would they even believe me? No one must know, not even Jasmine. I tell her everything. I walked into the classroom after I put my things away. After that I went and did my morning job which is to pass out computers to everyone. Our school is one of the very few that has computers.
     I put my home work on the left hand side of my desk. For some reason I have a habit of doing that. If it's on the right hand side I freak out. Ms. Locke came in the classroom and checked her computer.
    Ms. Locke then said her famous words, "Everyone set ja booty in the chair we have no time." Then she looked over at this kid named William.
   And with a smile she yelled, "WILLIAM, SHUT MY DOOR AND TRUN OFF THE LIGHTS!"
   When the announcements came on over the loud speaker everyone was as quiet as the night. The people on there just talked about reminders and what fruit we are going to have today. They also talk about attendance and if Ms. Locke's name is called on there she shouts, "WHOOOO!" Like she won an award.
       "Ok guys, open your computers and open today's lesson on your computers. It's essay season! So, class what comes first in writhing an essay?" A kid raised his hand. "Yes, Emilio?"
        "HOT comes first." Emilio said with a tired tone.
"EMILIO, I LOVE YOU! Y'all look at this smart kid who is Emilio. Emilio you know your my son right?"
        "I wasn't even talking!" He yelled with his high pitched voice.
"You are now." Ms. Locke said as she threw a stuffed pig at him. It missed but everyone was laughing. Ms. Locke is my favorite teacher because the only time she acts fake is when she with the other classes and when the principal is in the classroom.
     Then again everyone acts fake when the principal is in the room. Ms. Locke is real when she is with us. I like how she can be real. It make me feel like even in a room full of judge mental kids you can still be real.    
   Sometimes it hard for me to do the same. After Ms. Locke's  wacky class we went to Ms. Thomas's class. Ms. Thomas is our science teacher. She is weird, like really weird. Then again no one is really normal. Normal doesn't exist.
    "Ok, class do the do now you have five minutes to work on it." She said.
     "Ugh why do I have to be here?" This kid named Matthew asked.
     "Matthew I love you! You are my best friend!" She yelled. As she yelled this I looked over at Jasmine. Jasmine was just laughing at the fact that Matthew hates everybody. I like how he is the only kid who can speak is mind to a teacher and not get in trouble.
     Then came lunch and recess time. Our class has recess first and lunch after. It varies through grades. On Tuesdays and Thursdays we go to the park. It was Friday. Friday is boring like the other days even if we have this thing called fun Friday. That's when sixth, seventh, and eighth grade get to go to the park at the end of the day.
     While we were outside, Brianna came up to me. She seemed to notice I was no longer pale. She gave Jasmine her lunch box so she could try to reach the high bar. It was this thing that is a bar at the top and you could to do pull ups. There were three one really short one, one regular sized, and one large sized. Every day Brianna tried to reach the large one. She is too short though.
     After recess we ate lunch with this one girl. Her name is Kelly and nobody likes her. They hated her attitude because she acted like she owned the place. They hated how the only thing she talks about is her and her boy crushes. I try to keep my friends away from her because she is a fake friend. But she follows and she is a fake friend.
      While we were eating I was talking to Jasmine about how I wanted to change this in the school. She seemed a little off but I felt she was off because of yesterday.
       "Are you feeling ok?" She asked.
       "Yes, I'm fine. why?" I asked.
"I was reading about things that could happen in your soul. I found nothing."
"Maybe it was a one time thing."
"I hope you're right. I didn't like seeing you like that."
"Whoa, hey it's ok. I'm ok. Nothing bad is going to Happen to me." I said trying to reassure her.
      She finished eating the yogurt I gave her and classes started back up. We then had Mr. White's class. This man is so crazy it makes me look normal.
      "What is the area of a semi circle? Kenny." He said looking to his left. No one was there. You see Kenny is this imaginary kid  Mr. White made up.
                  •    •    •
      After school had ended me and Jasmine walked home together. This time we didn't go home. Jasmine was taking me back to the lab.
     At first I didn't know why but I found out she wanted to check on my soul. Kameran took my soul and scanned it. He gave it back and put the information into the computer. Nothing was wrong with my soul.
But I could tell something was wrong.

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