Chapter 25

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   I checked around the place to find more traps. These kids think I'm dumb enough to fall for one of these things. Kumu was using all he could to send out more of our pink friends. But, Kumu had nothing left. Poor little guy was too weak to even make a small one. Those dumb kids will pay for this.
   Still, I feel that the more I wait the more they get stronger. I couldn't take that chance. I wanted to make them afraid but I just don't know how to. After what Faith had been through she seems like someone who has forgotten what fear is. But, her friends are an easier target. I wonder what happens if I twist their minds a little.
   Kam came to my room with a gray look on his face. He seemed so down in the dumps. I offered him a cup of tea but, he refused. I think a nice warm cup of tea helps with pain and calms the nerves. Still, I feel he made a poor decision.
   "Hey, what's wrong?" I asked.
   "She broke up with me." He replied.
"Yeah. I was going to make this whole thing work because I love her. But, then she just left me."
"That's sorry to hear. Hey, cheer up! There are other girls out there. You'll find the right one."
"What about you?"
"What about me?"
"Don't you ever want a boyfriend?"
"Not really. I would rather save myself the heart break."
"Oh." He said with a tone of disappointment. For a moment we stayed quiet. After that we started talking about each other's day. He then seemed startled by something. He then just froze. He didn't move or anything. I thought he saw a bug and was just being a drama queen. But, there was nothing there.
   He looked at me with pink eyes. I flew out the door and just ran. I ended up hiding in Jasmine's room. I pray I'm just seeing things again. Boy was I wrong. He was looking for me. Betty must have been using his body or something. I slowly sneaked back into my room to grab the paint brush. I guess I made a noise because kam changed at me.
   I could fight him. I really could. But, a part of me wouldn't let myself. I could only stare. But, like I said before I won't go down without a fight. I punched Kam as hard as I could, grabbed the paint brush, and ran for it. I was way to scared to yell for help. Still, I just couldn't fight him. I tried to snap it out of him but, he just came at me.
   "Kam, wait! It's me!" I shouted.
   "Kam? Kam, is not here. But, I am." He replied.
"What is wrong with you Betty?"
"Oh, you know."
"Get out of his head!"
"Why should I? I could kill you here."
"Well, I would like to see you try."
"Oh, really? Then you won't mind me doing it myself."
"Bring. It. On."
"Suit yourself." He said. He came closer and closer to me. I ended up cornering myself with no where to turn. He grabbed me by the arm and started walking. I tried to resist but, Kam has a better grip then I thought. I bit his hand which made him let go of me. I ran as fast as I could but somehow he was faster.
   He picked me up and draped me over his shoulder. No matter how much I kicked he wouldn't let go. He ran to the warehouse staying out of sight. Inside the warehouse I saw Betty using her power to control Kam. If she could do that why didn't she do it to me? Maybe she wanted to make it so I couldn't fight back.
   Kam finally put me down. I gave Betty a death stare but she didn't seemed scared. She stopped controlling Kam. Kam passed out from all of that leaving me alone with Betty. I didn't have the paint brush with me. I must have dropped it went Kam took me here. Now I have no way to fight.
   "Long time no see." Betty said.
   "What do you want?" I replied.
"I want my souls. All I need is to kill you and your friends in order to have what I need."
"And, you got Kam to kidnap me to tell me this. Wow, that's just sad."
"You wanted a fight. I can hear it in your voice. You just wanna get rid of me. So, do it."
"I can't." I said. I knew I couldn't. But, maybe just maybe I can do it. But, how without the paint brush I was powerless to do anything.
   Faith and Kam should have been in the treehouse when we got there. But, they were gone. All me and Jasmine could see was two opened doors, the paint brush in the middle of the floor, and things knocked over. Almost like someone was running and knocked the over by accident. Jasmine's door was opened but nothing was missing or broken.
   Faith's room seemed like she was resisting something. Whatever happened here, must have meant that at some point Faith lost the paint brush. She wouldn't leave it out in the open like that. She wasn't in her house and she wasn't upstairs. Me and Jasmine tried to put the pieces together.

     A crime has to be solved and fast.

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